SM & SosyMom - Uncanny

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"Mom? Where are you? I'm back."

"In here, honey."

"Why are you whisperi—"

"Shhh, your son is asleep."

"Wow, you got him to nap?? Even I have such hard time getting him to nap, especially when RJ comes home for lunch in the afternoons. Naku, might as well try convincing a pig to fly then."

"Well, he helped your father set up a mini golf course in the backyard, and they played together all morning and after lunch. Kaya eto, knocked out."

"Where's Daddy nga pala?"

"In the sala. Knocked out din. Hahaha."

"Hahaha poor Daddy. He still thinks he's forty."

"Well, having grandkids around does have a way of making one feel young and energetic again."

"Thanks again for watching him while I was gone. I tried really hard to get our client to move the meeting, but they're flying out to Hong Kong tomorrow, so today was their only available date. It's too bad lang na sumabay siya sa out of town trip nila RJ at Godo for that auto convention, and there's no one else I'd rather have babysit Uno."

"Psh. Don't mention it, honey. It's always a pleasure having Uno around. This boy is absolutely delightful. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. You're doing an exemplary job of raising him. And I'm so glad you're back to work with your online bakeshop. It's always good for a woman to have her own career, even after she gets married and has children. What do you kids say these days? You go, girlfriend, just do your thing?"

"Hahaha omg, Mom. You did not just say that. But thank you. I'm really excited about going back to work. This client is a big one; if everything goes well, Reeza and I will be catering all their events for the next three months. As for THIS little know, he isn't hard to raise at all. He's so much like RJ—full of fun and mischief and ridiculous ideas, but with the biggest, kindest, most decent heart in the world."

"He LOOKS just like RJ, too."

"I know. You should see RJ's baby photos. Spitting image of Uno, Mom. It's uncanny."

"You know, he also reminds me of another little boy...Years ago, when you were still a baby, your dad worked with the McDonald's Corporation for a while. We used to frequent this particular branch in the South, and we met this adorable little boy and his mother once. He took quite a liking to you—he practically begged to play with you and feed you. You were always such a shy little girl, but you weren't the least bit afraid of him or his mom. Goodness, how you laughed at his antics!"

"Really? I don't remember that at all."

"Well, like I said, you were just a baby then. Now, what was his name again? My goodness, I'm getting old. My memory is terrible. I can't recall his name—or his mother's—anymore."

"Well, what happened? Did we see them again? Did we become friends?"

"No, your father's contract with McDonald's had just ended (it was only a brief business deal) and he went on to work with other clients, so we stopped frequenting that branch. You know, it's the strangest thing, but when we met that little boy and his mom, I got the feeling that they would become a significant part of our lives somehow. Like maybe our fates were destined to be intertwined..."

"Hahaha oh, Mom. Have you been hanging out with Tita Sylvia again lately? She always fills your head with all that mystical and paranormal nonsense whenever you do. Remember how she got you turning this place upside down because it wasn't 'properly Feng Shui'ed'? You basically threw out all our old furniture and rearranged the entire house...Daddy was so mad. Hahaha."

"Oh, you modern young women with your fancy college degrees always turn your noses up at anything supernatural. When did you all get so boring and logical and unromantic? I may not be as highly educated as you are, missy, but I've lived long enough in this world to know that there are plenty of things that brains and logic can't explain."

"Hahaha okay, okay. Mother knows best. But you did say that we never saw that little boy and his mom again, so there goes your theory about our intertwined lives."

"Touché. Oh, well. Maybe it was just a romantic idea that I had. Anyway. It's almost time for tea. Join me, darling. I'll have Yaya Pacing serve it in the recreation room so we can watch Rich Kids of Beverly Hills on TV...fascinating show...I think I like it more than Keeping Up With the Kardashians now..."

Photo © sheryl518 on IG

The Adventures of #KantoRJ and #SosyMengTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon