Planning Time!

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A/N Hey guys! Raise your hand if you want me to tell you who the ??? guy is! I can tell you if you ask! Well, on to the story!

Narrator's POV

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please come to the Principal's office. I repeat, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, please come to the Principal ' s office." Marinette was shocked to hear her name be called.

She never did anything bad in school! Maybe she was daydreaming in class? No! The Principal himself wouldn't call her unless she did something bad.

Marinette rushed worriedly to the Principal's office. "Yes, Mr. Damocles?! What did I do again!? Was I late for something important?!" Mr. Damocles chuckled.

"No, Marinette. This is not a punishment. I have seen your work with Jagged Stone and you have many talents. So, I want you to plan the fourth year's (Marinette's estimated year) end of year prom!" He announced.

"What!? Me!? No no no! I am not that good! You flatter me! You really do but I do not want to let you down and I am afraid I will if you have me do this!" He chuckled again.

"Marinette! Calm down! You can do this! I believe in you!" He calmed the poor girl down. "This will make up for all of the times you were late, deal?" Marinette gave those star eyes *-*.

"Deal! I'll start working on it right away!" She was more excited at the prospect of having a clean plate rather than the prom. Mr. Damocles chuckled yet again.

"Alright, as long as you can plan it in three weeks then you're good." She pumped her fist into the air as Mr. Damocles released her back to class.

When she got back she saw multiple worried faces. Most of those faces returned back to normal at the bluenette's giddiness. "What happened, Marinette?" Alya asked worriedly.

Marinette skipped over to her seat next to Alya. "You seem... a little too happy." Alya observed. "Guess what I get to plan!" She asked excitedly. "I don't know, what?" The brunette backed away from her bluenette best friend.

"I get to plan the end of the year prom!" She yelled. This caught everyone's attention. "What!?" Chloé asked. "That brat!? You're gonna ruin everything! I bet she's too poor to put this together!"

Marinette just smirked. "You know, the Principal said that the mayor himself will fund this. I know you're gonna love my idea." She looked over at Chloé with a delighted sneer.

Chloé was practically fuming by now. Everyone else was cheering. Marinette was their class representative and classroom sweetheart so it makes sense that they want to celebrate.

"Nice going, Mari!" Marco congratulated. "You didn't make a joke! This is really the best day ever!" Marinette had those anime tears running down her face.


Mrs. Bustier let Marinette work on the prom all class. Her idea was a masquerade. Alya asked her to do it, though. She had to be careful about it, though.

At least no one would recognize her. "Marinette you are finished with your idea would you like to come up and share it?" Mrs. Bustier asked.

"Of course!" Marinette rushed up to the front of the classroom. "My idea is to make this a masquerade." She announced. The class clapped and whooped.

When the class quieted down she started again. "I won't go into detail about it because I want to keep it a surprise but I am sure you will enjoy it." More whoops and cheers.

"Thank you, Marinette. It's almost time to leave so it's socializing time until then." Mrs. Bustier announced. Even more clapping and whoops.

Marinette sat down in her seat and started chatting and planning with Alya. When the bell finally rang Marionette and Alya ran down the halls, laughing about a joke Alya made.

Until Marco stopped them. "So, Marinette. Uh, um, d-do you -" he was cut off by Adrien running down the halls.

"Marinette! I have a question for you! Can you make our suits for the masquerade? I saw your new line and wondered if you would let me use one of the suits from the Chat Noir line! Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Marinette laughed at his joke.

"Of course Adrien! Anything for you!" She laughed. Marco looked steaming by now and no one but Adrien noticed this. He decided he would ask him about this after Marinette and Alya left.

When they did leave he pulled Marco aside and asked him. "Yo, dude, why did you look so mad back there?" He asked worriedly.

Marco sighed. "I was going to ask her something and you interrupted, that's all. It was nothing important anyways." He hid his face and left Adrien alone with his thoughts.


Marinette hummed happily in her chair, talking to Tikki, when she heard a knock on her window. She immediately knew it was Chat and went to open the window.

Marinette was starting to warm up to Chat a bit. Of course, she still doesn't like his puns. "What do you want, Chat?"

He smirked beneath his noir mask. "You know me so well, Princess. Well, a little birdy told me you were throwing a masquerade. I might consider showing up and gracing you with a dance." He twirled his belt/tail around his fingers.

"I don't think Ladybug would like me to, though," he stated. "We're like this." He crossed his fingers to indicate they were close. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Sure you are." She deadpanned sarcastically. "Oh, no wait, remember the last time you said that to someone? He ended up becoming Akumatized and turning into Copycat." She smirked.

Chat laughed guiltily. "I guess you're right. I'll try to cut back on the lying." He said. Marinette rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure you will." She said sarcastically.

"Alright, what do you want? We haven't got all afternoon." She asked impatiently. "Um, I really just got bored and wanted to see you." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, could you let me concentrate? I promised some of my friends I would make them suits and dresses. Alya and me gets the Ladybug part of the line while Adrien and Nino gets the Chat Noir part of the line, Chat." She smirked evilly.

"Can you make me a Chat Noir suit?" He pouted and put out his lower lip. Marinette pushed his face away. "Silly Kitty! I already have! Of course, there is one for Ladybug too!" She cheered.

Chat's face turned happy. "Yay! Thank you, Marinette!" She 'pshed' and blushed at his gratitude. "No need. You and Ladybug deserve it." She said.

He whooped again. "Who knows? Maybe a certain bug will visit the prom...." She said mysteriously. "That would be awesome!" He said obliviously.

Marinette mentally shook her head. "Here. This is your suit and Ladybug's dress." She held out a dress and a suit she got from her closet.

He looked giddy with glee. "Thank you! I am in your debt!" Marinette laughed. "No worries! You owe me a lot less than you think." She whispered.

Chat heard it but shook it off. He thought it could've been just a figment of his imagination. "You are welcome. Now, get going! I'm still busy!"

She shooed him out and got back to work.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for not being able to update! Look at my account to see why! So, I'm sick. Hoorah. Sarcasm. Whoop whoop. Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow! Well. Byeeee!😉

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