Chapter 6

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A/N Finally getting into the plot of the story nice.

I sit on a bench right outside the bus station with Kaitlyn's head resting on my shoulder. My arms are tired from carrying two backpacks and a large duffel bag full of my stuff the long walk here. Kaitlyn somehow managed to fit all of her things into an old backpack and sports bag, then again, she probably didn't bring anything other than her clothes and phone.

I wish I had a car. Then I could drive out of here myself instead of waiting for a bus at 3 o clock in the morning. I was not looking forward to being surrounded by strangers for several hours. Although, the station was relatively empty, so I'm assuming there wouldn't be too many dreadful human beings on my bus.

I started to drift away, losing myself to sleep, when a loud engine snapped me awake. I lift up my head and bus 48C was in front of our lonely bench. I tap Kaitlyn's head to wake her up and she yawns in response.

"Come on Kate." I begin to stand, gathering my bags.

"Oh god Olivia." She rubs her eyes. "What are we even doing?"

"I already explained it to you. We're getting out of here."

My plan is to reach out to my aunt, Caroline. I'm sure she'd be willing to help my sister and I, considering she knows what her sister, my mom, is like. She was always kind and entertaining when she visited, and I don't even remember my dad or any of his family, so Aunt Caroline is our only hope. I would just go live with my grandmother but she would probably tell us to get back home. Plus, she's quite old and we've already troubled her enough.

I climb the steps into the bus, almost dragging my bags behind me. Ugh, why is my stuff so heavy?

"This is crazy." Kaitlyn says behind me as I make my way to the seats in the back.

"Obviously." I admit. "We're practically homeless now. But do you really want to stay here with the woman who doesn't even care about us?"

Kaitlyn groans. "No."

"Sit down and go to sleep if you want. It's gonna be a long ride."

She pulls out a small pillow from one of my bags and positions herself comfortably.

We'll be okay, I think. We have someone who'll take us in. There's only one issue; my aunt Caroline lives in Illinois, which is insanely far.

I-or more reasonably, Vivian- might've just made the biggest mistake of my life.

A/N this chapter is super short but it was pretty much just a filler to introduce the plot. Also I didn't really know what to write so yeah idk. I wanted to update so this'll have to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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