The Holy Spirit Helps Others by Using You

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The Holy Spirit not only helps you but also other people who you come in contact with. Once you are filled with the Holy Spirit you become a blessing to others. The Holy Spirit flows through you and touches the lives of others, it may not be obvious to you but many lives will be touched through you.

Prayer and Intercession

... for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words- Romans 8:26

The quality of your prayer life greatly increases once you are filled with the Holy Spirit. He will put in your thoughts images of people you know, during your prayer time. This means that the person is in need of prayer and intercession. That person itself may be unable to pray or not know what to pray for, but you will be able to pray in tongues for them.

Gifts of the Spirit

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.-1 Corinthians 12:7

The Holy Spirit also gives you gifts or manifestations of the Spirit. You will be able to give people prophecy or wisdom or heal physical illnesses through these gifts. These gifts help in two ways, they demonstrate the power of God to the people while also helping them with needs in their lives.

Generosity and Compassion

That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;- 1 Timothy 6:18

You become more generous and compassionate towards others. You feel like helping people with what you have and also know whom to help and whom not to. You begin to empathize more deeply with people and the problems they face.

The Presence of God

As you mature as a believer, and lead a holy life you begin to carry with you the presence of God. Without you doing anything people around you can sense and feel God's love and presence. You transform into a gateway that can bring heaven down to earth.


The Holy Spirit often puts in your mind a person who is known to you, this often happens when you are praying. The reason is that the person may be in trouble or difficulty and needs prayers.
Once there was a man of God who was saying his prayers and as he was deep in prayer he could feel that God put the name of a lady he once knew well in his mind. This lady had moved to another city and they had lost touch for over 10 years.
Deep down he knew God wanted to touch this person so he prayed for her. He also felt praying was not enough and he was moved in his Spirit to do more. He then tried calling her but as he did not have any contact information, he called people in her home town and also tried looking through the phone directory.
Soon he found the number and called her, she picked up and they exchanged the usual hello and he told her that as he prayed, he felt God speaking to him and putting compassion in his heart for her. She immediately hung up.
The man of God was taken aback, he did not expect this. He was now not sure it was even God any more. Soon he got a call back from the lady who was in tears, she said that she was having a really bad time and that she and her husband just lost their house. The house was being repossessed due to a loan and they had a lot of other issues going on in their personal lives.
This lady had preached about Jesus to many lives in the past. She helped the church in many ways, now she felt that when she is in such deep crisis and nobody cares. She was disappointed and felt that even God forgot about her. She was praying that iF there is a God, he can easily get someone to comfort her now, as she had comforted so many people before.That was exactly when the phone rang. She was so taken aback that she hung up.
The lady apologised to her old friend as he comforted and encouraged her. They prayed for each other and hung up.
This is an example of how the Holy Spirit can use you to bring comfort and joy to others. The timing and perfection of his ways will never cease to amaze you.


*You have ability to bring the power of God into the lives of others, take time out and consciously pray for others.
*Take the initiative and ask God if he wants to touch anybody using you each day.

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