Joshua ㅡ A Cup Of Love

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"Eyyy.. Don't be like that!" I said as I jokingly punched the chest of my regular customer, Joshua. I'm a barista at a popular cafe, namely The Koffee. We were talking about significant others and he joked saying nobody would want me in the future. "Ow ow.. okay sorry~" He apologized and I just laughed. "Usuals?" I asked grabbing a cup. And he nodded, "Less s-" "Less sugar and more milk, got it." I wrote on the cup and proceeded to recieve his payment. I then made his Americano, but halfway thru, "I'll take that. Go settle the customers at the counter." I then rushed to take in the orders of the people at the cashier.

After tending to the customers, I leaned against the counter top and took a sip of herbal tea. I'm tired, but I enjoy it. Making coffee is weird, but fun. Every time, it comes out different and sometimes, people compliment you for it. It lets you know how much a cup of coffee can make someone's day. I felt a poke on my shoulder and turned around to a pouting Joshua, poking me with an energy bar.

"What?" I asked taking the energy bar. "You didn't have dinner.." He said, still pouting. I ate a chunk of the bar, yum. "No, but why are you still pouting?" He meddled with his fingers, "You didn't make the Americano, it tasted weird." I choked on my saliva. "Really? I'll make you one, like, now." He looked up and his eyes were glistening. "Really?" I nodded and took the last chunk and shoved it in his mouth before making his coffee. Americano, less sugar, more milk for Mr Hong with a smiley face.

I slid the coffee infront of him, "Here ya go!" He smiled and sipped it before grinning a little. "Go tend to your customers." I looked to the cashier and rushed to take their orders. While making the coffee, i took some glances at Joshua, who occasionally sipped his coffee, but was staring intently at me. "Yoohoo, he has the hots for you." My colleague looked and wriggled her brows. I just shrugged.

"That's all for today! Thank you for your hard work!" Our manager said and we brought the mops to the back, "Are you guys dating?" My colleague asked and I though, Joshua? "Oh no, we're just friends." She nodded, "But it's sweet how he waits for your shift to end and then walk you home." I just smiled, "See you tomorrow Coleen. Stop imagining things. Seyong is outside waiting for you too." She smiled and I waved at her before exiting the cafe.

I walked out the door to Joshua looking at something in his hands and observed him a little, his brunette hair that was occasionally styled was down today and he was smiling to himself. "Hey, aren't you cold?" I shouted, he turned around and smiled at me and shoved his hands in his pocket. "Not for a pretty lady like you." I just rolled my eyes and we walked down the street.

"It's been sooooo cold recently. I think my fingers are falling off." I said looking at my fingers. He laughed and grabbed my hands, interlocking them before shoving it in his pocket. "Here, is it better?" I nodded before facing the ground, using my hair to shield my face. Not only are my hands warm now, but so are my cheeks, goddamnit.

We walked quietly for a while before we walked past a street that was filled with streets, The wind gently blew and the leaves were lightly rustling and I trembled slightly from the cold. "Yo, you okay?" He broke the silence and I nodded, obviously lying. "Liar~" He cooed before he let go of our hands and slinging an arm around my shoulder. "Let's get instant coffee." I nodded and we walked to a machine and he put some coins in, pointing to the machine, asking me to pick.

I walked towards the machine and picked the coffee I wanted before a huge gust of wind started blowing again and I was literally frozen stiff. "Oh." That was the only sound that came out of my mouth before I felt something press against my back and I looked back a little to see Joshua back hugging me. "It's warm, right? Let's stay like this for awhile." I nodded, blushing and once our coffee was ready, we walked to a bench that was just a street before my house and sat.

We took a sip of the coffee, "Blehhh. This taste nothing like your Americano." I giggled, this silly boy. "Well, it's not that bad for instant coffee though." He just shook his head and we just stayed silent, sipping our coffee. I finished my coffee and started to observe my surroundings. The light gust of wind blowing against me that made my hair fly a little, made the leaves rustle gently and the night was very silent yet calming.

I took a deep breathe, "Done?" I looked to my side to a Joshua with very pink cheeks and smiled. "Yeah, let's go." We continued walking until my front door and I unlocked my door and kicked off my shoes, "So i'll see you-" "No, come on in. I'll make you coffee before you leave and give you some hot packs." He looked at me wide eyed and nodded gently before I pull him in.

"I live alone, don't be worried." He nodded and looked around. I moved to my kitchen and took out some hot packs and heated it up in the microwave and proceeded to make some hot Americano, specifically with less sugar and more milk. I poured it into one of those cups and slide it infront of him. "Here." He nodded his thanks and I took the heat packs out of the microwave.

"Here's 4 of it. Put 2 of it in your coat pocket so it'll warm your hands." He thanked me and I just sat next to him while he drank the coffee. "Definetly better then that machine coffee." I just laughed and watched as he drank his drink. He finished it fast and after setting the cup down, he looked at the counter. "Erm so.." I looked to him since it has been quite silent between us since the hug.

"I've been wanting to say this for awhile but, can you turn around?" I nodded and turned around, confused. What is he going to do? I closed my eyes and felt a cold piece of metal sling around my neck and I slowly opened my eyes, it was a necklace. I turned to face him and looked at the necklace, it was a baby pink crystal with a red small heart in it. "What does this mean?"

He meddled with his fingers, "It means that no matter what you do, I hope I'm always in your heart. Even if it's really small." I smiled and fiddled with it, "I like it a lot. Thank you for the thoughtful gift." I grabbed his hands and he looked up. "And also.. I wanted to ask.." Oh my god. Is he going to... you know? "Will you be my girlfriend?" I felt my eyes widen and all the blood in my body rush to my cheeks.

"I really really like you, I just want to keep you safe and protect you whenever I see you and I want to treat you to whatever you deserve and make you feel like the most important woman in the world. I want other girls to look at you and feel jealous that you are my princess and nobody can take that role away from you. I'm crazy for you, and I can't hide it any longer."

I felt tears gathering in my eyes and I just smiled and hugged him. "You idiot. You drive my world crazy and there is nothing else I want more then you." I felt his arms wrap around me, "So, what do you say? Would you like to take my hand, and go on an adventure in this world with me?" I nodded, "In a heartbeat." Our hug loosened to him with a grin from ear to ear and I had tears in my eyes, smiling like an idiot.

"Don't cry anymore Princess. From now on, there will only be tears of happiness and smiles." He wiped the tear drop away with his thumb that gradually slid down my face to my chin and we just looked at each other for awhile. I could stare in his eyes forever and melt in them. He gently pulled our face closer and I felt the warmth approaching me.

I closed my eyes gradually and all the distance between us just closed. Our bottom lips gently touched and I gently smiled at the contact and he turned his head slight sideways to allow more access and we shared a kiss that was very sweet, very gentle, yet was like we were desperate for each others touch. We slowly backed away and he looked in my eyes, "I love you, Princess." He said, before giving me one last peck of my lips.


(a/n): awwww our angelic gentleman jisoo~~ although we all know that yoon jeonghan is the real angel hehehe... how do yall feel about jisoos christ HAHA i secretly ship jihan and i doubt that ship is going to sink any sooner. but i felt like this was such a shitty first chapter sigh let me know what you think ;) till next time!!

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