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Enfri shivered as she clung to Jin's waist. There wasn't much of a path, unclouded or otherwise, as she could see through the thick forest. Ever since leaving the Lost Company's camp, the land had been wild. The goblins were taking them into parts of the Altieri wilderness that humans had never attempted to tame.

Ban's second, Trent, hadn't been happy when Ban informed him of what they intended to do. The Lord Urdov had moaned "what be this madness" about it for what seemed like hours.

Steeling themselves for a long ride burdened with a lack of sleep, their party had set out just before dawn. They traveled north, deeper into the forests of Altier Nashal. The range of mountains that marked the border with Althandor was still a long ways ahead in the distance, but Enfri couldn't shake the feeling that she was riding in the wrong direction. Somewhere beyond those peaks lay the Spired City, King Cathis, and the source of most of Enfri's problems.

Jin and Enfri were riding double atop Spider, and Enfri couldn't help but notice that her little, strange band of travelers had rapidly grown to a somewhat larger and much stranger troop.

There was Jin, princess and assassin, who held Spider's reins in one hand while the other was placed protectively over Enfri's grip on her waist. Her eyes were always on the path ahead, but Enfri could feel that Jin's attention was turned to the girl riding double with her. Comforting, and it gave Enfri a much needed feeling of warmth during the Altieri spring.

Light Hoof led the way forward and rarely checked behind him to see if he was still being followed. Perhaps he wished to pretend that he hadn't agreed to lead his enemy into his home. The goblin didn't answer on the few times Ban asked how close they were to their destination.

Deebee alternated between scouting ahead as a snowy owl and plodding alongside Spider in the guise of a wolf. While in the wolf's form, she spent most of her time glowering menacingly in Light Hoof's direction. Deebee had made it clear that while others may have given the goblins a second chance, they had yet to earn her forgiveness for accosting Enfri.

Rippling Moon was often out of sight. She spent the day obscuring their trail so as not to be easily tracked by any uninvited "slayers" or running far out to the flanks in search of danger. When she was nearby, Enfri noticed that the blue cast furtive looks towards the humans, and she was quick to turn away when she saw that her glances were noticed.

Even more than to the strange and alien goblins, Enfri's attention was drawn to Ban. He rode an Altieri charger given to him by one of the Karst armsmen. The animal was white and still carried its winter coat. Ban was using a cavalry saddle, high in the back with reinforced stirrups, though he hadn't burdened the horse with steel barding.

Ban wore his armor, magically repaired by Deebee's mending spells. A massive two-handed sword that was longer than Enfri was tall was strapped to his back— one of the legendary full blades wielded by Altieri knights. He had the visor of his helmet down, and it had a sharp and angular design to deflect arrows, swords, and spears. Enfri had marveled at the beautifully intricate sigils Ban had carved over the armor's black-enameled surface, and it seemed expertly crafted to her unpracticed eye. Ban was already a large man, but in his full plate, he became something entirely different— an imposing figure of metal and determination.

Enfri had grown accustomed to Ban's light manner and easy smile. She liked him and thought he was the sort of person that made fast friends. However, Enfri had no small difficulty reconciling the Ban she was growing fond of with the warrior she now watched riding ahead of her and Jin.

Prince Regent. Knight-Captain. Paladin. Rune Knight. Death Fire. Those titles given to him by others now made sense. Enfri felt a dreadful hollowness in her stomach when she saw that side of him and not the roguish young noble she had first met.

Rune Knight: Book Two of The Empress SagaWhere stories live. Discover now