[00] extended prologue

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   Barry Allen was the dictionary definition of a good soul. A higher-than-average IQ, obsession with the impossible, in love with someone he could never have and a crooked smile was the overall summary of the dorky blue-eyed boy. Nothing about him was exceptional aside from his knowledge of Star Wars, until one well-known and fateful day when everything changed. And it wasn't just that Barry Allen was struck by lightning, on that day the boy that held oceans in his eyes crossed paths with the girl whose brow was constantly creased in a subtle frown.

    The girl called Tabitha Levant was unable assign the name to herself. The name was a reflection of an illusion of girl better known as Dedaleira. The Foxglove. It could be called ironic that the name of such a beautiful and poisonous flower fitted the girl so well. Her hands were not simply wet with blood but they were dripping, gushing red of the hundreds perhaps thousands of targets that she had sent to meet their maker. She was the sharpest tool in the arsenal known as the League of Assassins, one of the youngest initiates. Since the age of seven her entire world had been nothing but red, and the shell of Tabitha Levant had long ago been peeled away to reveal the killer, the Foxglove. For years the girl had felt nothing but the blood drip down her hands, seeping into the grooves of her fingertips when she made yet another kill; so the shock that jolted through her body like electricity when reminded of her name scratched the surface of an old and forgotten wound of the person she once was. She was to be reassigned her name and sent away to complete a task that only someone as loyal as her could complete.

    It was rare that the clouds over Central City were a heavy grey, and less than rare when the weight of the clouds broke and rain splashed into every nook-and-cranny they could wiggle into. And on that day every soul in Central City was either filled to the brim with excitement or mistrust at the official launch of the Particle Accelerator.

    Every soul, except for Tabitha Levant. Some would argue that this was because the girl did not posses a soul and therefore was incapable of feeling, but the truth was that she was simply focused. Focused on her task which was the capture of Dr Wells so the League could use him to advance their technologies and weaponry.

    The League had access to many brilliant minds that were used to forge lighter, more compatible weapons such as katanas and bows. From explosive arrows used for mass killings, and the ones used to grip to vertical surfaces to the brutish design of truncheons came from their production. They also encrypted the files for each member of the League of Assassins but lately, an unknown source had been hacking into their resources with seeming ease.

    The slaughter that fell upon the majority of those minds was not out of anger, but the simplistic fact that they had failed the league. Dedaleira had watched, holding the towel for Ra's Al Ghul to clean his hands with after he'd finished hacking into their flesh with a tomahawk.

    Watching it happen, the blood, the screams, the tears and the pleas for their lives seemed to wash over Dedaleira, as if she was a strong-standing cliff in the ocean. Impervious to the crashing waves that pushed her from every side, unassailable. But the newly-named Tabitha Levant had a twitch, an itch every part of her being urged her not to scratch. It was a wound every member of the League carried, for some like Sarab the wound remained open, the humanity bleeding into his body, creating sympathy and guilt for those he had murdered in cold blood. But that was weakness, and weakness lead to hesitation which led to death. All second-thoughts of weakness had been drilled out of Tabitha for the nineteen years she had been with the League. The revelation of her name had revealed the wound of humanity was barely a forgotten scar inside of Tabitha, and it would be forgotten again. She would not feel emotion, she would not be weak.

    Until she met the boy who felt every emotion until it spilled out of his body in tears or in laughter, the boy who held so much life inside of him, he breathed some into her.


is this an extended summary? an extended prologue? idk its 1am pls send help.
really wanted to write a Barry fic because he is such a smol bean and i adore him and he is precious. also i chose crystal to be tabitha because she was so badass as allison and i miss her so i wanted to make her a badass as tabitha and then i looked up all these manips of allison/barry and crystal/grant and my god the are hot together.

love u smol bean pls comment so i can give you love

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