[01] physics took a sick day

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   Tabitha shook her raven coloured hair as she hurried up the front stairs into the CCPD building, raindrops flying off her damp curls. As soon as the heavy glass doors swung shut behind her, the girl paused at the top of the stairwell, her dark-lacquered fingertips reaching inside her black shoulder bag to find the fake Police Identification badge that had been crafted by the League so she could gain access to restricted information on her target, Dr Wells. It wasn't the first time Tabitha had extracted classified information on a target so it could be used for blackmailing them. From secrets and offenses to finding the addresses of relatives and loved ones each and every target cracked. Although usually Tabitha didn't obtain the information in such a placid fashion, she could've easily hacked into the security system and forced it to go into lock down and killed everyone in the building and simply walked out with what she needed, but under the direct instruction of not causing a scene, a fake police badge was the best way to go.

   Badge in hand, Tabitha made her way over to the closest officers desk, molding her face into the proud and patriarchal expression every other cop wore. As her heeled black books clacked over the marble floor, her eyes passed over the the large golden mural that was plastered against the west wall. 'Truth, Liberty, Justice.' Tabitha had to fight the urge to snicker in contempt at the proudly stood figures engraved with deliberate stony expressions and high-tilted chins. The girl found the hypocrisy amusing, all these people with their high and mighty morals of 'Truth, Liberty and Justice' were no better then the dirty criminals they hunted. She had watched men that claimed to live by all ten commandments sell out their loved ones for their own gain. In her eyes it was all a mirage. There were no good people and bad people. Just ones that lied to the world and ones that didn't.

   "Well hello gorgeous, what could I possibly do for you?"

   Tabitha turned to see the sparkling-eyed man that had spoken, grinning a million dollar, kodak-worthy smile as he strolled over to her from where a young male mugger was getting clapped in irons. Tabitha pursed her lips into a thin smile, flashing her badge at the Ken-Doll cop.

   "He one of yours?" She asked, nodding her head in the direction of the struggling mugger that stood behind a boy dabbing his nose with a bloody tissue and a girl rolling her almond eyes at the Ken-Doll.

   The Ken-Doll smiled widely in distinct pride, "You bet, seventh arrest since I transferred from Keystone actually." Tabitha's eyes widened slightly when he made clear that he kept score on arrests and she had the sudden urge to step back so his ego had more room to breath.

   Ken-Doll's eyes not so subtlety flickered down the length of her body before asking, "Where are they keeping the pretty cops like you these days?"

   "I'm from the Starling City Police Department." She lied easily, making a physical effort to keep the smile on her face, "I was wondering if I could take a quick look at Dr Harrison Wells' file, his name came up in relevance to a current case I'm working."

   Ken Doll's picture-perfect grin faded slightly as she went straight to business, "Sure, I can let you have a quick look." He said, turning to the copper filing cabinet behind him and started leafing through the hefty stack of paper inside.

   "I mean usually I'd have to call the DA, but I'll make an exception for a pretty face." He grinned sliding the file with Dr Wells' full name branded on the front in neatly printed ink across the table and into her waiting hands.

   Tabitha smiled tightly once again, the sixteen way of killing someone with your bare hands flashing not so spontaneously through her mind. Flipping quickly through the thin sheets of paper with her left hand, her right hand in her coat pocket, pressing the 'capture' button on the wireless camera peaking out the front of the breast pocket on her black trench coat.

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