Chapter 27: New Years

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It was now New Years day. Time being 8:29pm. Peridot waited and looked around outside her bedroom window. The snowflakes made it hard to see since it was coming down heavily, but hopefully that wouldn't stop Lapis and her parents coming over. Peridot tapped her fingers on her lap patiently waiting for her girlfriend.


It was now 10:30pm and the Green's were eating their food around the small dining table just outside the kitchen. While her family were having fun she couldn't help but sink into her own pit of sadness. Lapis still hadn't arrived causing the blonde to doubt the bluenettes appearance. Peridot slouched in her seat getting very impatient.

"Hey dipshit," Whispered Emerald who was sat right next to her. "Lapis ain't coming you know? I mean- why would she go out with someone like you. You're weak, small, nerdy, grumpy and a four eyed freak." He whispered into the blondes ear.

Peridot began to tear up. Was what he said true? Did Lapis really not like her but only go out with her for self pity? The blonde slid out of her chair and tiredly ran up the stairs. Ignoring all calls from her mother.
When she reached the top she headed for her bedroom and slammed the door shut, tears were now freely running down her cheeks. She climbed into her bed and curled up into a ball, crying into her pillow.

Soon after her door creaked open. "What's the matter sweetie?" Called Peridots mother. Peridot didn't answer but instead pulled the pillow over her head. "You know, Lapis is coming she's just late, probably because of the snow storm."

Mrs Green had began to stroke her daughters back trying her best to comfort her. Her daughter flinched at the contact making her mother sigh.

"I'll just leave you up here........" The last part Peridot didn't hear. She hugged her pillow tighter and drifted off to sleep. If she had only stay awake for 10 more minutes she would of heard the front door opening.


Lapis had finally arrived at the Greens household. Smiling from ear to ear she couldn't wait to see her small girlfriend. Lapis looked around the house she was glad that Emerald was no where in sight, but she felt slightly disappointed not to see Peridot...

Maybe she's using the bathroom..?

Lapis sat down on the couch while her parents introduced themselves to Peridots parents. The bluenette pulled out her phone only to discover she had received no recent text messages.

Soon after of sitting in silence waiting for the blonde. Mrs Green walked over to Lapis giving the bluenette a little startle.

"Lapis dear I just wanted to tell you that Peridot is upstairs in her room. She stormed off during dinner and I'm not sure why. I think it was because you were late? Maybe she thought you had left her."

"Oh, okay I'll go see her." Lapis couldn't help but feel a little angry since she'd been waiting for half an hour but only now being informed.

When she reached the top of the stairs she slowly opened the blondes room, only to discover that she was fast asleep.

Hmm this feels familiar. Thought Lapis.

Lapis quietly made her way towards Peridot, and gently sat down on the blondes bed. "Peri?" She whispered trying to wake up the blonde.

"Laapiss..." Slurred Peridot who was still fast asleep. Lapis couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness.

"Perii~ It's time to wake up."

"noooo." She said her facial expressions changing. The blonde then turned over, now lying on her back.

"But if you don't wake up you won't see Lapis." This time all the bluenette got was a soft snore and some drool.

Lapis laughed at her and kissed her forehead. Starling the blonde.

"Nyahh! Lapis?! When did you get here?!" Peridot said while trying to sit up.

"Oh about an hour ago."

"What?! But I thought you weren't coming.."

"What do you mean of course I was coming." Lapis noticed that Peridot looked upset so she gently held the blondes hand for comfort.

"Emerald said you're only going out with me because you feel sympathy for me... And that you don't like me..." A tear or so began to leave Peridots face.

"Don't listen to him. I've always liked you. You're cute, you're smart, you're pretty. You can be a little grumpy but thats what makes you cute." Lapis pulled Peridot into a hug. "And importantly I've fallen in love with you." Said Lapis as she kissed Peridots cheek. Peridot smiled and kissed the bluenette on the lips, she turned around, now sitting on Lapis lap and-

"Dipshit you awake? Mom said It's almost midni-" Emerald was at the door his face filled with disgust. "Ugh homos." He spat. Lapis instantly grew angry and threw the nearest object at him. That being a PS4 controller, which hit him right in the face.

"Ow! What's your problem?!"

"You! You peice of shit. Now leave me and my girlfriend, that I love, alone!" Next Lapis threw a pillow which closed the door.

"A little extreme but he deserves it." Commented Peridot.

"Yeah but we should probably go down stairs before we get too carried away." Said Lapis while blushing a deep red.

"I wouldn't mind that." Smirked Peridot.

"Come on you Dork." Said Lapis as she pushed the blonde off.


It was now 11:57 pm. The greens and the Lauzils were now outside watching the fireworks display. It had stopped snowing thankfully.

Peridot and Lapis were standing out the back with red wine in their hands. Emerald was staying far away from them, which I assume was because of the incident.

"Okay everyone it's 11:59 everyone get ready for the countdown!" Yelled Lapis' dad.

"Oh! Follow me!" Said Peridot. She grabbed Lapis' hand and guided her towards the house. A ladder was pressed against it. Peridot climbed the ladder first, then Lapis. When the bluenette got up she realised this part of the house didn't have any tiles on the roof. It was flat. It also didn't have any snow on it.

"I asked my dad if he could get the snow off the outside toilets roof."

"Oh I see." Peridot grabbed Lapis hand and pulled her towards the end of the roof and the two sat down, their legs dangling down.

"10!" The countdown had began.

"Lapis, I've said-"


"-This a hundred times but-


""-I love you-"


"I love you-"


"-too, you dork."


The two sat in silence admiring the fireworks.


Peridot gazed up at Lapis with stars in her eyes.

The blondes leaned in closer and Lapis noticed.


Lapis looked and Peridot and Peridot leaned in.


Peridot kissed Lapis passionately. While in the background a huge firework went off.

"Happy new year!" Shouted the two families.

"Words can't express how much I love you." Said Lapis.

"Happy new year too you dork!" Said Peridot while laughing at the bluenette. 

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