A Hood Day

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"I'm tryna tell you niggas...this ain't our fucking territory and we don't got no business being here forreal."

     I sweaaaaaar these niggas get on my fucking nerves.

"Awww come on....chill vato. We got a pack of coronas, hella weed, bitches, and it's your 16 birthday. Don't be a buzz kill."

     I sighed way louder than I needed to and decided to just calm my ass down and take a Corona. After all....it is my birthday.

"Fine, but if any shit goes down, I'm gone kick yalls asses, my dads gone kick yalls asses, and my moms gone kick yalls asses."

     Myka just looked at me and laugh and turned her attention back to the hill we were sitting on, over looking Los Angeles, California. It was fucking beautiful. I looked over and laughed as Hector and Jose wrestled on the ground, regardless of all the dirt and gravel.....these niggas. I did the most logical thing one can do in a situation like this. I jumped in!
We had been chillin, drinking, and smoking for a good hour before some bullshit popped off like I knew it would.

"Fuck you doing on our territory foo?"

     Everyone's head snapped in the direction of the loud interruption. We were greeted with the sight of a group of about 15-20 people, meanwhile there's only four of us, not counting the hoes we were fucking with. Ah shit.

"Where you stand?"

     Logically I knew calling out my gang in this situation would not be the smartest idea, but it's all about loyalty. It doesn't matter if you die in the process. With that being said, I threw up my set and hollered


     I pretty much figured they were Sureños given our current location, therefore, I wasn't surprised when they let us know as much. It was then that Myka opened her big ass mouth and hollered,

"Fuck that shit! This our shit now!"

     Again...this nigga. Before she could even fully finish her sentence the entire mob of people rushed us. I stared off throwing hands but it's clear they're trying to beat our asses to death. The best thing for us to do was get out of the situation. I pulled the swish blade out my sock and started cuttin niggas. Fuck that, I ain't dying tonight. It was then that I felt a sharp burning sensation over my right eye and it began to swell immediately. That's when I noticed a pretty as stud with beautiful eyes, curly hair, and a stupid ass grin on her face holding a now broken bottle of Tequila. Wait.....this bitch hit me with a fucking liquor bottle? After I came to that realization, my vision went black and lost consciousness.


I know, I know, I know... It's hella short, but this is basically just a introductory chapter. The next one will be longer.

(Eli in Media)

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