d i e g o | d i s t r a c t i o n s

503 21 17

H i d d e n  F e e l i n g s

o n e - p a r t  t w o

d i e g o

d i s t r a c t i o n s 

Where the hell did he go?

Leon was going to get an earful from me when I found him. First he's all guarded, and doesn't want to tell me a bloody thing, and now he's disappeared. Francesca was walking all over in the Studio, and I was searching for him in the park.

I was just worried about him. I wanted him to tell Francesca and I what was going on with him. We were his best friends, whatever it was, I'm sure wasn't anything we can't handle. I'll have to explain all of this to him later.

As calmly as I can manage.  

I feel a presence next to me, and I turn my head quickly, hoping it was Leon who had finally gathered some brain cells. -sadly- it was Violetta. It was just the wrong time, I would've been happy to see her any other time. When I wasn't worrying about me best friend.

"Hi," I greet her shortly.

"I wanted to see what happened with you? Also, maybe we can discuss times to practice," Violetta says, and I just nod.

"Violetta, I would love to, but I can't right now," I apologize and she stops me.

God woman! I need to find Leon!

"What's wrong?" Violetta asks, concern laced in her voice. My expression softens and I let out a breath.

"Leon disappeared. I'm just looking for him," I explain and she nods. A smile spreads across her face.

"I'll help," Violetta smiles.

I smile back at her. Her fingers intertwine with mine, and we carry on walking. I could hardly focus, struggling to keep my eyes away from our connected hands. Was this the time to ask her out? I shake my head at myself, and she giggles at me.

My cheeks tint red. My eyes scan the area, looking for Leon. I see him turn a corner, and I'm about to run over when I see Violetta look through a window, at a heart shaped locket. I look at where Leon turned, and then back at Violetta.

Leon or Violetta.

"Violetta, do you want that?" I breathe and she contemplated.

"I don't have any money," She curses when she realizes she doesn't have her bag.

I laugh and walk into the shop with her. I ask for that necklace, and she starts to protest. I ignore her, and hand the jeweler  the money. He looks at us with an amused smile, probably assuming we were a couple.

I hoped that we would be soon.

"You shouldn't have Diego," Violetta sighs.

"I wanted to," I smirk.

I turn her around, and give her, her hair to hold. I put the necklace around her neck from the front, and secure it at the back. I put her hair down, and she turns around, fiddling with the pendant thoughtfully.

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