l e o n | h a t r e d

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h i d d e n f e e l i n g s

e l e v e n - p a r t o n e

l e o n

n e w f o u n d h a t r e d

I was hoping to show my new girlfriend my calming place. The place where nothing ever seemed to bother me. Everything seemed to go right there. I was able to be free, and I was shockingly good at it.

Of course my original plans were ruined when I saw Diego spinning Lara around.

Didn't he hate her? Didn't she hate him? When did they become buddies?

My hands instantly formed into fists and my jaw hardens. I almost forgot about the girl standing next to me oblivious to my sudden anger and hatred to the scene before us.

"Lara? Diego?" I barely manage.

They turn around after Diego puts her down. If I knew anybody, I knew Diego. And Diego was itching to smirk at me. You could see by how stiff his facial expression had become. His eyes were smirking though. Violetta didn't notice.

She noticed that he was with a girl. Her ex boyfriend. I felt bad for her, it wasn't fair for her to be pulled into this mess that Diego and I had created. Of course it was his fault in the first place.

For forgetting about me.

Yes, I still held that grudge. I noticed Violetta started to look anywhere but at the two people in front of us.

Shit, was Lara the other person he had feelings for? The person he told Violetta about when he broke up with her?

It was Lara.

I found myself hating her all of a sudden. Was Diego ever mine? Was he playing me? Was Lara playing me? I had to remind myself to stop overthinking things.

"Oh hey guys," Lara says awkwardly, adjusting her ponytail.

"Diego, I didn't know you'd be here," I say trying to keep my cool.

"I came to see Lara," Diego replies.

I looked at his eyes and tried to see through him. Was he lying or genuinely telling me the truth? If he was, then when did he and Lara become friends? Had I missed something?

"Are you two dating?" Violetta asks softly.

I guess one of us was going to ask that question. They look at each other and have a silent conversation. I desperately wanted to know what it was about. They eventually come to a mutual decision.

"Yes we are. I just asked her out right now," Diego says and he snakes an arm around her waist.

My stomach tightens. I swallow hard and look at them forcing a smile onto my face. Violetta does the same. Glad to see I wasn't the only person on this boat. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it.

I notice Diego's eyes fall to our connected hands. I was confused. Were we both feelings the same way? Jealousy but trying very hard to cover it up.

"Yep, I started developing feelings for him when I started teaching him how to ride a bike. This guy knew nothing," Lara laughs and Diego smiles at her shoving her arm playfully.

"I was a natural babe, and you know it," Diego smirks and taps her nose.

Violetta and I force awkward laughs. We were both in love with him -lucky guy I must say- and yet we were together. I wonder how we ended up together?

"You know what we should do!" Diego outbursts.

"Um no?" I say and Diego chuckles lowly.

God why did that sound so hot?

"We should go on a double date!" Diego exclaims and I exhale softly.

Because I'm totally going to last a night with the two of them? Being all lovey-dovey like that? You may as well fucking kill me now. I can buy you the gun. I will even buy the bullets.

"That sounds lovely," Violetta answers before I can think of a stupid excuse.

No no no no.

I knew she felt the same way. Completely and totally jealous with a touch of anger. I also knew she didn't want to look weak. She thought she was doing this for me. To prove to me she had no feelings for him. That she was only mine.

I guess I'm going to have use this date the same way then.

"We're in," apparently.

"Awesome!" Lara squeals and my eyebrow arches.

Lara Jimenez does not squeal.

I thought Francesca was a tomboy. Lara was even more like a guy. Lars detested normal girly things. Including obsessive fangirling, over-the-top giggling, and squealing like -and I quote- hormonal teenage girls who sound like they met Harry Styles.

Yeah she loves giving descriptive explanations.

"I'll message you the details," Diego says.

Lara kisses his cheek before walking back to her bike. Violetta squeezes my hand telling me she had other things to do. I nod and she walks off after waving awkwardly at Diego.

"You and Lara," I scratch the back of my neck.

"You and Violetta," Diego replies nonchalantly.

"You know, I'm glad we're on speaking terms," I finally murmur. Diego leans in so his lips were by my ear.

"Oh, I can do way more than speak if you want,"

Yep, there's no way I'm going to live through a double date.


I'm sorry this is so short but I wanted to end it right there. So i hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚 This was the second chapter I've written today, I want to finish this so I can start working on my Camiego fic.

~Lexy 😈

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