d i e g o | c o l d

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h i d d e n  f e e l i n g s

e i g h t - p a r t  t w o

d i e g o

c o l d  s h o u l d e r

The next morning was the first morning since forever that Leon didn't actually come. I understood that he would not come to walk with me, but he always walks with Francesca. Francesca was pacing. She mumbles a number of profanities before she turns to me.

"This is all your fault, I do hope you know that," Francesca says and I sigh.

"I know." I say glumly.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have cheated on him," Francesca hums.

"He hugged the girl!" I protest.

"No you're right!  That's ten times worse than a full on make out in front of his eyes," Francesca scoffs sarcastically.

I glare at her, even though I knew she was right. I shouldn't have done that. But in my defense, yeah I got nothing. I have got to learn to be less jealous.

"Why won't you ever take my side?" I ask her and she raises her eyebrow. "You know, you just always take his side, even though he is wrong," I continue.

"Well because, well I don't know. He's my best friend, and besides, I feel like I should be on his side. Its an instinct. And plus, you're always more wrong," She winks at the end and I roll my eyes.

"Just when I thought we were having a nice noment," I say and she laughs.

"Well let's get to the Studio," Francesca says looping her arm through mine.

Leon had been somehow the glue in our friendship. He was both our best friends, and he knew us the best. Francesca and I, had never been as close as we were with Leon, but we still knew that we could count on each other because we were siblings.

Siblings stick together -unless it was an argument with Leon of course-

"Whose side would you choose if Leon and I were in a debate?" Francesca asks.

"Leon," I say without a hesitation.

I would because he's my best friend and because my feelings for him would probably take over.

When we get to the Studio Leon was leaning against the wall at the entrance. He spots Francesca and waves her over, but then he notices me and walks away. Francesca groans, and pats my arm before running after him.

I knew I deserved it. I hurt him and then I went and full on kissed him. When really, I actually should've slapped him back. My cheek still stung a little when I got home. When I told Francesca she laughed.

"I just can't believe he got you so bad! You're lucky there's no red mark. The way you described him, he sounded angry!" Francesca giggled, and she poked my cheek.

I hissed at her and she laughed harder. The kiss was still fresh in my mind. I even remember that near the end of the kiss, it became salty, he had started to cry.

I'm brought back to reality when a hand slips into mine. I turn and see Violetta. Whenever I was with her I felt guilty, I was practically using her. It seemed whenver I kissed her, I was pretty much just doing it to make Leon jealous.

I was a jerk.

That's something Leon and I will probably agree on. The only thing at the moment.


Leon was really determined on ignoing me.

Not exactly like I was trying to talk to him anyway. I was trying hard to avoid him as well. If I saw him before he saw me, I would turn around the corner. So we were both giving each other cold shoulder. We were fine.

It was Francesca who wasn't

She was jumping between us. When I had music, Camila came up to me. To be honest I didn't even know we were in the same class.

"Francesca can rant," Camila laughs and I chuckle.

"Is she annoying you?" I ask and she shrugs.

"She's annoying Leon more," Camila grins. "She's going on about how you two should be together," She wiggles her eyebrows and my eyes widen enormously.

"Y-you find out," I stammer.

"Well she mentioned it. Leon explained it. I think it's quite cute," Camila says and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what to do," I eventually say.

"I've heard Leon'a side, now I want to hear yours," Camila sits down next to me.

So I decided to ignore Beto, and started to explain my point of view of this whole conversation.

I realized why Camila was Leon's next closest friend after Francesca and I. She was laid back, and listened well. Except for a few sarcastic comments in between.

"So do you love Leon or Violetta?" She asks when I'm finished.

"Leon," I say in a heartbeat and Camila smirks.

"Then why the hell won't you tell him?" Camila asks loudly.

Beto clears his throat and Camila flushes, and apologizes. She smacks my arm when I hide my laughs with coughs.

Camila was right.

I should tell him.

But we weren't exactly talking right now which was kinda a setback.

After classes Camila and I walk out together.

"I told Leon I'd meet him outside. I'm walking him home," Camila giggles. My stomach tightened when she finished. Camila noticed.

"You are a jealous guy! We are not going to date! He is 100% gay!" Camila says and my cheeks felt hot.

"I can't help it," I groan and she laughs.

"See you later Diego," Camila winks.

"Don't believe her do you?" Francesca asks.

I watch Leon appear and he jogs over to Camila. They kiss each other's cheeks, and my gaze automatically narrows. I couldn't help it. I was possessive and jealous.

And I felt extremely possessive over Leon.

Someone who's hardly mine.

I don't even get this jealous if a guy is talking to Violetta.

"Why do so many girls like him?" I ask her exasperatedly.

"Oh we know it's not only girls," Francesca winks.

Hiya! So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There's a little more into Camila's character, and Diecesca sibling relationship! I really like the Cameon friendship tbh.

And I feel the need to just to tell you that I may plan on taking a month or so updating hiatus. So that I can breathe, and fill up my drafts. You may think I'm a little paranoid, but idk, I just don't want to run out. So I may update this book -since its finished- but it will be the only one.

Because I'm also trying to draft chapters for UIA. My abandoned Natdres book. So please, don't hate me if it happens! But I will try v v hard to make sure it doesn't.

But, that aside. As usual thank you for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚 I'm not the Queen Of Editing unfortunately!

~Lexy 😈

~Lexy 😈

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