You forgive them(MAGNUS)

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You stayed in your room for almost a whole week when Isabelle and Clary barged into your room.

"Y/N you have to get out of your room. We know that Magnus cheated on you but you cannot just let it consume you,"Isabelle says as you just buried your head in your pillow.

"No,"you said which sounded muffled through your pillow until it was pulled out from under you by your sister Clary. You looked up and glared at her.

"He has been feeling bad to Y/N,"Clary says. Your mind wonders to Magnus. He is feeling bad. Good he should be but then again you just sighed in defeat.

"Fine I will go see him,"you say as Isabelle and Clary smile. You get up from your bed and get ready to see your ex-boyfriend.

~Time Skip~

You were now at Magus's place. You walked in and were surprised that you were greeted by nothing.

"Magnus,"you called out but you received no answer. You thought he wasn't home until you saw someone sitting on his couch. It was Magnus but he looked different. He always wore fashionable clothes but now he was just wearing an oversized t-shirt and sweats. He must be really taking the breakup hard but why should he if he was the reason why this all happened.

"Magnus,"you called. He slowly turned around to see you.

"Y/N what are you doing here,"he asked you.

"Isabelle and Clary made me come see you,"you said with some attitude.

"Ah,"was all he said. He got up from his seat and poured himself a drink.

"What happened to you? You are usually all cheery,"you said to him.

"You breaking up with me happened to me. I don't even know why,"he said to you and you rolled your eyes.

"You know what you did,"you said snapping at him.

"I am sure I didn't do anything. I would never do anything to hurt you,"he said back.

"Then why did I see you kissing some whore at the Pandemonium,"You asked angrily. Magnus's eyes widen in realization.

"Oh no. No,"he said all over again.

"No what,"you asked him.

"That was not me. The same night I figured out that a shape shifting demon turned into me. He must have been the one you saw. Not me,"he said and you made a face as if you should believe him or not.

"Please Y/N you have to believe me,"he begged and you looked inside his eyes. You could see that he was not lying. Tears fell from your eyes.

"I do believe you Magnus,"you said with a smile as you went over and kissed him.

"Please just don't let it happen again,"you said and he nodded his head.

"Well now that we are back on I have to fix this,"he said pointing to the clothes he was wearing. With a snap of his fingers he was back in his fashionable clothes. He smiled in satisfaction as you couldn't help but let out a small laugh at your boyfriend.

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