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"I saw him on the telly the other day." Brian Williams mumbled happily as he munched through his full English breakfast, "In the background of a news report in Newcastle. I recorded it. You can come round later and watch it if you want." Rory's dad was a lovely man. Bit odd, but then again that might be a little hypocritical coming from the Doctor.

"We're alright, Dad. Maybe another day." Rory sounded anxious. The Doctor was trying not to outright stare at the three as they talked, but it was difficult. They were in the next booth over and he couldn't make sense of the emotions without their body language and facial expressions. The Doctor risked a peek over his menu at the trio.

Rory was fiddling with his phone restlessly and Amy had her hands around a coffee, pushing her hair behind her ear every so often. They didn't seem unhappy.

"Dad. You know we've been spending less time with him." Oh. This is when they were telling Brian they were thinking about not travelling with him anymore. "Weaning of the adventure, kinda. Right Amy?" Amy hummed in agreement. "We've been planning this for a while now and thought through all our options-"

"Are you ready to order sir?"

"-we filled out the paperwork-" Paperwork?

"Sir." The waitress beside him asked again.

"D'you mind I'm busy right now." He reprimanded in his thick accent. "Something very interesting is happening. Sit, girl." The brunette hesitated, mumbling something about her boss before sitting across from the Doctor. "Good. Now shush."

Rory was still talking, but he'd missed a large chunk of information. Great. "-and she said it would take a while to process. Then a few days ago we got this letter and-"

"They said yes!" Amy interrupted excitedly, "We're just waiting for someone to pick us now!"

"That's wonderful!" Brian cheerfully shouted, standing up with his fork still in his hand. "I'm gonna be a grampa! Well- uh, again. Kind of."

Amy and Rory laughed, "Don't get too excited Dad, adoption can take a long time."

The Doctors face paled. Looking up at the girl sat opposite him, he quickly asked, "What's the date?"

"17th, why?"

"No, the full date, I need the full date."

"Thursday 17th November, 2017." The Doctor frowned and rubbed his eyes. They'd been planning to have another child and he'd stupidly blundered into their lives and taken them away to New York on a cheap excuse for an adventure. He'd lost them. "Are you okay?" The Ponds were sat laughing now. Oblivious to the fact that he was in the room or that their next adventure would be their last for all the wrong reasons.

"No." He answered the waitress bluntly. "I need you to do me a favour."


"You promise I'll get to see this one grow up?" Brian smiled. He hadn't stopped talking since they'd told him and Amy was glad. It was all terrifying her to be honest. Were they ready? It felt like they'd only just gotten back together. What if something happened? If the Doctor needed them? He got so lonely. If there was an invasion? What she messed this up just like she did with Melody?

"Amy," Rory placed his hand over hers and squeezed, "I know that face. You're alright, stop worrying." Amy huffed a soft laugh and the waitress appeared in front of them.

"I'll get the bill!" Brian declared, "You too'll have too much to buy already with all the nappies and wipes and creams and-"

"Actually someone else paid the bill." The waitress informed them. "He told me to give you this." She said, handing over a napkin with a note scribbled on it. Rory read it and held it out to Amy.

"Tell him no. Next time he comes, don't go.

Who paid for us?" Amy asked, looking up at the brunette with pretty chocolate eyes.

She pointed to the empty booth next to theirs and frowned, "He was.. He was right there. Old, grey hair.. Great eyebrows."

Amy and Rory exchanged a glance, shrugging. Brian, of course, was talking again. "Y'know that kind of sounds like my golfing partner, John.." They ignored him.

"It's about the Doctor, isn't it?" Rory whispered, leaning in close to Amy.

"Isn't everything?"

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