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for erica, who is an intelligent little lady that i greatly admire ❤️


"Who are you and what have you done with Leah?"

I turn around from my locker with a smile on my face, laughing lightly at Brady's shocked expression. He has every right to be honestly because I haven't looked this nice in months, always choosing to wear something comfortable over something fashionable. But after the other day, I have to admit that I've been about 100 times happier.

Kendra dragged me out of bed and took me to a local beauty salon, simply telling the hair stylist to make me look like the opposite of what I was. So she got to work, cutting my hair about four inches and giving me blonde highlights that I've been ogling at for the past two days. To say I was happy was an understatement, and the fact that Kendra payed for all of that only made the moment a million times sweeter. Afterwards we went to Pacsun where I bought a few things, including the Jada dress, sandals and crystal necklace—also thanks to Kendra. All in all, I came to school feeling and looking a lot better than I have in a while and the student body seemed to appreciate it as well as most of them smiled at me or glanced my way when I walked by.

And now, I'm feeling rewarded by the way Brady seems to be admiring me. His eyes trail up and down my body, from my freshly manicured toes to my thin legs to the flowing white dress and then my wavy hair, splayed across my shoulders in a somewhat-lazy fashion. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I tease him, turning around and continuing to empty my locker of my necessary books and binders.

"Maybe I will." Brady exhales, taking out his phone.

"Don't actually do that!" I squeal, giggling as I shove his phone back into his jean pocket. "I'm flattered, Brady but that's a bit weird."

"I'm sorry but you look ..." He sighs, before smiling, "Really pretty."

"Cheese ball," I giggle, playfully punching his lean bicep after I've shut my locker.

"I'm serious though." Brady presses, his eyes boring into mine. "The dress, the hair—it all suits you. And you seem so much happier than before, it's like a new you."

"Thank you," I beam. It's such a relief to here Brady be so proud and supportive of me, especially after how horribly Friday night went for the four of us. I really thought that he wouldn't be speaking to me for a little while, but it's refreshing to know that he doesn't hold grudges like Kendra or Landon. "And yeah, I actually have been! I even picked up songwriting the other night."

Brady raises his eyebrows at that one as I nod gingerly. Singing and songwriting was my undeniable passion before the incident. It was my safe haven, my home when my physical one wasn't too okay. While most girls let their heart outs into diaries I let mine out into lyrics and chords that felt like should belong in place of my bodily organs. After Ford I kind of lost the passion to write and sing until it just went on hiatus for a long time. So now that it's somewhat back I can completely relate to Brady's surprise and only match it with my own excitement.

"Really?" Brady queries in disbelief. "What have you been writing?"

I shrug, feeling the unfamiliar tickle of my hair against my back where my armpits are. "Mostly Ford, to be honest. I feel like it's time for me to let out some of my feelings about him in order for me to fully get over him."

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