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for Von, for not taking people's shit on ask and continuing to be an inspiration to me ❤️


"You need to relax."

Looking up from my Calculus textbook, I smiled as Brady entered my room with a bouquet of light pink roses in his arms. He gently sat on the bed beside me, setting the flowers down and stroking my knee.

"Hey to you too." I murmured, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before Brady took out his phone and began to play soft music. "It's kind of late though, don't you think? And I've got a lot of homework."

"I know but I wanted to be spontaneous." Brady tells me, scooting along the bed until he's directly behind me, and when I feel his warm hands rest onto my shoulders I inhale sharply. "And you've been working so hard this week."

He's right. Next week is mid terms which means all work and no play for me in order to maintain my 4.0 GPA. I've been studying all night and morning, making private lessons with each teacher after school, and only spending time with friends if it involves reviewing for a class. That also meant taking a break from Brady and any dates he wanted to plan, and although I felt bad I know that it was all for the best. I need to do good on these tests to guarantee myself a future, and if Brady thinks that he can come between that than I guess he isn't suited to be my boyfriend. Thankfully, Brady has respectfully kept his distance.

But now I can tell that he misses me, not just by the pink roses and the soft music, but by the way that his hands are slowly and gently beginning to massage my shoulders. I set my pencil down, allowing my back go relax into his grip, just as his thumbs hit a spot in my blades that releases a moan from my lips. "There we go." Brady murmurs.

Brady continues to massage me, his hands digging into my skin and pressing away any stress that I have about my exams until my brain stops throbbing. When he's done with the massage, Brady picks up my hair from my shoulders and moves it to the left one before beginning to plant soft kisses on my right shoulder. The kisses are so tender that I can feel, and hear, the skin from his lips suckle my own, just as his exhales send goosebumps throughout my body. Brady trails kisses from the tip of my shoulder to the side of my neck and then the tender spot behind my ear, a spot that I didn't even know was sensitive to touch. But Brady surely does.

"God." I breath when I feel his tongue sneak a lick onto the spot.

"I knew you'd like that." He whispers seductively before stroking down my arms, his fingers tentacles of silk. "You have the silkiest skin." Brady tells me softly.

"Good lotion." I breath with a light chuckle.

"Nah, I think it's all you." Brady murmurs, planting another kiss on my shoulder, this one lingering for a bit longer than all of the others. "You're so beautiful, Leah, really." He suckles on the skin under my chin. "Really, everything about you is stunning—your skin, your body, your hair, everything."

A large and warm orb expands in my stomach, reaching through my body until it hits my heart and explodes. I turn back to face Brady before pressing my lips against his, instantly slipping my tongue through his lips. Brady moans, grabbing my waist and flipping me around so that I'm facing him straight on. I stretch my arms over his shoulders and lock my fingers behind his neck, pulling him closer to me in the process. My teeth gently dig into Brady's bottom lip which emits another deeper, make rugged moan before Brady presses me back onto my bed.

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