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Neville being horrified when Harry tells him the story about Dumbledore's sister. Neville immediately thinking of his parents and realizing that not much has changed when it comes to treating mental illnesses in the wizarding world. Neville working hard with Harry and the Auror office to create better accommodations so that wizards/witches with mental illnesses can safely preform magic without fear of losing control. Neville teaching all of his students how to do the Patronus Charm in case they become depressed and is frequently handing out chocolate. Neville making sure that he never overstimulates a student and introduces his students to new plants that could reduce anxiety. Neville helping to transform the ward at St. Mungo's into a place for healing and therapy instead of a place to throw the patients. Neville pressuring Healers into making new medical strides that help people regain their memory. Neville chuckling as his friends berate him because Gilderoy Lockhart remembers who he is and continues to flaunt his fame. Neville visiting the ward one day and hearing a soft woman's voice, a voice that he hadn't heard since he was a baby, whispering, "Neville?"

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