Leaving Suna, the Village of Sand

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Well hello, glad you're here! Here's part or chapter 13, I actually forgot what part this was so I had to check. Anyways, enjoy this part! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I only own like the plot, if no-ones made a missing nin Naruto story before me.

Naruto and Kakashi had arrived at Gaara's office and they were amused by what they saw. Kurama was buried under a pile of paperwork and Gaara was scolding the poor fox. Kakashi luckily had his mask to hide his grin while Naruto started laughing his ass off at the two.

"Naruto," Gaara greeted coolly, but the two missing nin knew he wasn't happy. "You can have your...pet back now. I would gladly appreciate it if you didn't drop him off with me."

Gaara strongly stressed the word if and Naruto had to smirk at the red head, before walking over and picking up his precious kit. Kurama still had a long ways to go before he could win against a thing like paperwork. A scowl flashed across Naruto's face at the work papaerwork, god how he hated paperwork.

"Before you leave," Gaara spoke up, his face serious as he stood in front of his desk. "You need to know that you need to leave Suna before the end of the week. Konoha has somehow learned of your arrival here and they are sending over several anbu teams to retrieve you two. I would even suggest leaving tonight, but I can't force you."

Kakashi and Naruto nodded, thanking Gaara for his help and letting them stay, before setting out to their temporary apartment. The walk to the apartment was thick with tension and silence, both thinking of what to do. Kurama was walking between them and kept looking between the two with confusion, curious to what was happening.

The silence was interrupted by Naruto asking, "So, when do we leave?"

"I was thinking tonight so we can have a bigger head start and can cover our tracks easier," Kakashi answered. "We also got to figure out where we're going next."

"I was thinking the village of the mist," Naruto piped up, an air of excitement around him at the thought of a new place to see. "I was wondering what the village is like and if there is any foxes there."

Kakashi nodded at the idea and they reached their temporary home. Naruto stepped in first and immediately headed towards the kitchen to pig out on Ramen. Kakashi chuckled and shook his head at his lover's antics, predictable Naruto.

Later than Night

Naruto and Kakashi had packed earlier and were more than ready to head out to the Village of the Mist. Kurama was excitably jumping and running around their feet as they silently waited for night, the kit knew better than to yip at them at a time like this. Kakashi had been slightly unease when Gaara told them anbu were after them, why would Konoha tell the Kazekage about missing nin and why all of a sudden? And where did Konoha get information that Naruto and him were in Suna?

It didn't make sense and it made his gut twist nervously, his instincts were on fire to get moving now. Naruto had noticed and shared the same worries, they didn't think Gaara betrayed them, no, but they think Gaara was a little late in getting the information and anbu teams were already after them, probably in Suna now, looking for them.

"Ready to get going?" Kakashi asked his lover, giving him a side glance. "I'll hold Kurama."

Naruto nodded hesitantly, his heart was beating fast nervously. He took a deep breath and his heart beat slowly went to a normal pace again. Now was not the time to be nervous.

"Are we splitting up?" Naruto questioned softly, checking his bag for everything and his pouches for all his weapons.

"Yes," Kakashi answered softly, bending down and kissing his lover softly. He was nervous himself. "You're going to go right and I'll go left. We'll meet up at the nearest town, Haboro. Then, we'll start heading towards the Village of Mist."

Naruto nodded and took another deep breath. He gave Kakashi a nod and the copy-nin jumped out the window with Kurama clutched tightly in his hands. Shortly after, Naruto jumped after him but took a sharp right and headed towards the boundaries of Suna, wishing Kakashi 'good luck'. Naruto managed to get out of Suna unharmed and arrived at Haboro within ten minutes, his heart racing and he shifted from foot to foot nervously when Kakashi didn't show up. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Forty minutes. Fifty minutes. An hour passes and still no Kakashi and now Naruto is really starting to worry.

"Where is he?" Naruto mutters to himself, his brows furrowed in worry, hoping Kakashi didn't get hurt or caught.

'Calm down, brat,' Kyuu spoke and Naruto was glad he had the fox to keep company. 'Think rationally about this.'

Naruto nodded and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and thoughts, trying to orangization his thoughts. Suddenly a large sense of dread washed over Naruto so forcefully that he took a few stumbling steps back.

'What the hell?!' Naruto shouted at Kyuu, who seemed to be in shock. 'What was that, Kyuu?!'

'I don-oh shit!' Kyuu sounded panicky now and Naruto was starting to panic too. 'Brat, go to him! He's badly injured and needs your help!'

Not needing any more encouragement, Naruto started out in a sprint to reach his lover. Naruto hoped that those anbu hadn't hurt his Kakashi or someone was going to pay dearly. Naruto hadn't even noticed that his anger was getting the better of him and his eyes were blood red, his canines had lengthened, and his nails were sharp claws now.

They were going to pay for hurting HIS Kakashi.

Hope you enjoyed! It took awhile to write since I'm kinda spacing out as I write this, because my stupid medicine does the exact opposite of what it supposes to do and makes my ADHD worse 😔😔 sigh. Anyway, ciao my readers and fellow writers!


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