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"HE WHAT?" Laura practically shouts when I tell her what happened at dinner the night before.

"He kissed me. Ok?" I giggle.

"Oh my god you two would be so cute together! Just date already!" She squeals as we walk towards our lesson.

I laugh again, looking up to see Harry walking towards us as we stop outside the lesson.

"Morning Laura, Tori." He smiles.

"Hey Harry, how are you?" Laura asks as I just look at him.

"I'm very good, how are you?" He asks, smirking at me again.

I roll my eyes, "Fine, thanks Harry."

He nods as we're told to go in to the class, sitting in our seats.

I sit down, a boy called Chris sitting next to me. I know his as one of Harry's friends, who records videos with him every so often.

His YouTube channel is ChrisMD, I'm not sure why, but he's really nice. ((A/N I know Chris lives in Jersey but pretend everyone in the book live in Guernsey))

"Morning Tori!" He smiles, sitting by me.

"Morning Chris, how's your day been so far?" I ask, taking my book out of my bag.

"It's been very good, how's yours been?" He looks over at my book, "I love The 5th Wave book."

"It's been ok, and it's so good, isn't it? I haven't read the others in the series yet but this one is amazing." I laugh, flicking until I reach the page I've read to.


I sit on the riverbank, as I do most days, holding my locket in my hand, smiling at the picture inside it.

I sigh, placing it to the side of me as I lie down, staring up at the blue sky, enjoying the quiet that surrounded me.

Footsteps are heard behind me, causing me to jump and turn my head.

I spot some blonde hair and soon realise it's Harry.

"Hey Tori." He smiles, walking out of the trees.

"Hey Harry." I reply, picking up my locket as he sits by me.

He glances at the picture before I close it, "Who is she?"

I glance at him, at a loss for words.

"Why do you want to know?" I mutter, resting my head on my knees.

"Because by the looks of it she's important to you and you're hurt?" He asks, as I nod.

"Ok, I'll tell you but please don't tell anyone else, only Laura knows the full story. Basically, that girl in the picture with me is my older sister, Jack's twin sister to be precise. Her name was Anya, and she was amazing. I loved her so much, but she didn't love herself and she was really badly bullied. She, well, she didn't think anything would ever get better and one day it just became too much. Sh-She killed herself." I say, tears forming in my eyes, "That's why I come here so often. We used to spend a lot of time here together and now it just reminds me of her."

I glance at Harry who looks shocked and, upset.

"I'm so sorry Tori, you didn't deserve that. I'm sure she was an amazing girl, but if you don't mind me asking, who were the ones who bullied her? Who pushed her this far?" His voice was soft, unlike how he usually spoke.

"James, Owen and Kieran. Owen just kind of followed them and actually told Anya he was sorry but they were the only friends he had at that point. It's why I always leave whenever I'm with you and they come and talk to you. They pushed my sister to suicide. It's their fault she's dead." I'm slowly getting angrier, still upset over the fact these boys bullied her more than 2 years ago.

"Oh my god Tori.. I'm so sorry I had no idea." He looks down at me, a frown on his face.

"No one does." I mutter, trying not to cry.

"Come here." He opens his arms, pulling me in to his chest, hugging me tight.

I feel safe in his arms, like no one can hurt me.

Tears fall down my face on to his shirt, but Harry doesn't complain, he just sits and let's me cry, comforting me as well as he can.

After a while, I stop crying, but just stay in his arms. It feels safe, like he's protecting me, and I haven't felt as safe for a long time.

"Listen, Tori this is probably a really bad time to ask, but I just needed to ask you. Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks nervously, moving away from me a little bit to look at me.

I simply nod, "I would love that."

He pulls me close again, "Thank you for saying yes."

"Thank you for asking me." I laugh, hugging him.

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