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3 years later

"Come on Tori, we're going to be late." Harry laughs as I rush down the stairs.

"Remind me why we have to go to dinner?" I laugh.

"Well, as we live in London we haven't seen our family's, so we're going out with them, Laura and Chris and his family because he's back as well." Harry smiles, "You look beautiful by the way."

"You don't look too shabby yourself." I smile, kissing him.

"Thank you Tori, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He grins as we get in the car.

"Idiot." I mutter, laughing slightly.

The drive is quick, as the restaurant isn't that far from the hotel we're staying in.

"I still can't believe Mason's almost 18, that's insane." Harry shakes his head.

"Yeah, but Josh is grown up as well, remember." I laugh, getting out of the car.

"Yeah, and I'm just excited to see Chris and Laura as well."

"Jack as well." I smile as we walk in, noticing everyone rather quickly.

"Harry, Tori! It's so good to see you again!" My dad smiles as we hug all the adults.

"Laura!" I squeal, hugging her quickly, turning to Jack and Mason, "Wow, Mason you've grown up so much since I saw you last, and Jack I haven't see you for ages. I've missed you."

I sit down between Harry and Laura, just enjoying everyone's company.

"Do you think we should tell them the news?" Harry whispers.

I shrug, "It's up to you Harry."

He nods, "Let's do it now. Get it done with."

I look around, "Umm, Harry and I have some news.."

"I'm pregnant." I say, hearing a round of congratulations.

"Boy or girl?" Mason asks.

"Twins, a boy and a girl." Harry replies, holding my hand tightly.

"Congratulations Toronto! Have you thought of any names for them yet?" My dad asks, smiling.

I shake my head, and everyone decides now is a perfect time for Harry and I to choose names.

We end up deciding our daughter will be called Kori Anya Laura Lewis, and our son will be Thomas Christopher Lewis. If you couldn't tell, we decided their middle names will be after Laura and Chris, our best friends and who will probably end up being their godparents.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Chris and Laura started dating a while after Harry and I and got married last year, and are now trying for kids.

They're really happy, and cute together, and it's nice to see them both happy.

We also decided Kori will have two middle names, one after Laura and the other after Anya. We decided a while ago, when I found out I was pregnant with twins that the girl would have the name Anya in her name, in memory of my sister.

"I'm so happy we told them." I whisper to Harry, playing with his fingers.

"So am I, less pressure now." He grins, placing a kiss to the back of my neck.


"We'll see you all tomorrow." Harry smiles as we leave, heading back to the hotel.

The drive again, is short and we're soon sat in the room, singing to the music we have on.

"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?" I sing out loudly, dancing around the room.

"I will, and that's why I want to do this." Harry smiles, getting on to one knee.

I stop dancing and cover my face with my hands, tears falling down my face.

"Toronto Maria Hale, I've loved you since the day we started talking, and I really don't ever want to lose you. I love you so much and I feel like now is as good a time as any to ask you this, but would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He's shaking, as if he's afraid I'll say no.

I nod, "Yes Harry. A million times yes. I love you so much."

He puts the ring on my finger, bringing me in for a kiss.

"I was so afraid you were going to say no." He mutters.

"Why would I say no? I love you." I smile.

"I love you too princess."

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