Chapter 5

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"Ok Isabelle, I'm sorry but I got to go to now" My dad says as we're pulling into a parking space at the airport.

"Ok dad I'll call you when I get there, love you," I reply.

"Love you to," he says then drives away.

I walk into the airport and go to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm Isabelle Fuhrman." I watch the lady type something on the computer then she says, "Your on flight 2150 to North Carolina, you may sit right over there while you wait," she says pointing to a group of chairs.

"Thank you," I say then walk over to the group of chairs.

As I'm walking I see a red headed girl sitting by herself. She looks maybe seventeen and very nice so I think she would be ok to sit by.

I walk over and sit down by her. "Hi, I'm Isabelle but you can call me Is or Belle or Isabelle either one works," She laughs.

"Hi, I'm Jacqueline but most people call me Jackie," she says with a smile.

"So your going to North Carolina?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says and we continue talking until our flights called.

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