Chapter 6

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"Flight 2150!" I hear come over the intercom. Jackie and I get up to walk over.

"So Jackie why are you coming out to North Carolina anyway if you don't mind me asking?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't mind at a all. I came out here to shoot a movie actually."

"Oh, that's funny so did I," She smiles. We get on the plane I sat in the window seat.

"So what movie are you going to shoot?" Jackie asks me.

"I'm playing a character named Clove in a movie called The Hunger Games."

She stares at me wide eyed, "Really! I'm playing Foxface in that movie!" She squeals.

"Do you know anyone else who's in the movie?" I ask.

"Yeah, Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, and Liam Hemsworth just to name a few," Jackie says.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I say.

"Fasten your seatbelts we're about to take off!" We here over the intercom so we fasten our seat belts.

"So, do you know how long we'll be out working?" I ask.

"Yeah 2 months for training, then the 3 months for shooting," She replies.

"Oh, ok," I say and we continue the plane ride.

A/N:Follow DanielaMena2, comment some nice things, and read her amazing story please!

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