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I used to believe in miracles
But I no longer believe at all
I guess it's hard to believe
When forever trying not to fall
Falling down on stage, or even falling
Off a building. But this type of falling, I never saw coming.

I no longer believe in miracles
But you believe in me.
And you held my hand
You took my heart
And I hope, I hope,
With both of our hearts
That we will never grow apart.

And I still remember that night
you cried
"Please don't let me go."
It was then that I felt
My heart grow a little old
Because how could you believe
That I would ever leave.
I promise you will never be alone.
You are my home.

And maybe I do believe in miracles
Because I believe in you.
Now take my hand,
You have my heart.
I promise we'll never grow apart.

Because I am yours and you are mine.
We've been together for all this time.
Now, I have all I need,
and I've found it right here.
Now, baby, please don't fret
I will always be near.


Published: 05-15-2016

I love this one so much. I've been working on it for so long. And it makes me so happy. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.

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