chapter twenty four.

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*hangs up phone*

ugh, i know i was a little harsh but she deserved it! she always over does things that jacob says. she's a well known liar. i bet he couldn't have did anything harsh to her. jacob's nice and such a gentleman. kind of an asshole but he's changed.

sariyah: mwommy

me: yes honey?

sariyah: i want some juicy juice! *giggles*

me: *chuckles* hehe, you want some juicy juice? fine. you can have some after i tuck you into bed sweetie. okay?

sariyah: otay mwommy *smiles*

my daughter means so much to me. i don't want her to end up like me and do some things i've done. she's my world and my everything. i don't EVER want anything to happen to her.

manny: bae,who were you on the phone with?

me: why?

manny: i have a right to know. so tell me.

me: uhh..

i forgot to tell you that manny's very abusive.

manny: TELL ME.

sariyah: mwommy, are yous two gwoing two fight agwain?

me: no honey, daddy's just a little angry right now. but he needs to *looks at manny* CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

Lol im not scared of no man and im not gonna let him touch me any type of way that ion wanna be touched. i don't fear NO bitch.Duh.

manny: you need to calm the fuck down or that mouth of yours gonna get you hurt!

me: how the hell am i gonna get hurt?! oh wait, you just gonna hurt me and beat me while my child right there? ha, yeah. *folds arms* that REALLY shows what type of man you are.

manny: *gets quiet*

me: thought so. now, sariyah & i are gonna get spend some time together while we're out. don't miss me motherfucker!

manny: get the hell on! *walks into room*

a/n: I love they're relationship. it's funny as hell.


sariyah: mwommy, why do you & dwaddy fight all the twime?

serenity: I don't know baby, daddy's disrespectful at times.

sariyah: k. *drinks juice*

nobody really knew that serenity didn't love sariyah's father. she just needed him around as a reminder that she knew that she had a reason to be in love with another man.

MINNIE POV: I really that bad? Am I really that cruel? I can't believe that Serenity doesn't really like me and she feels that way. This is just too much pressure on me AND not to mention, this child in my stomach that i'm regretting so much right now. I hate Jacob so much. I just really wished I could stay the night. Maybe I should just confess to Serenity and tell her the truth.

?- need a ride?

I look up and see.....SERENITY.

me: yeah, sure. thanks.

serenity: whatever. don't thank me.

me: serenity, did you really mean what you said on the phone? *looks out the window*

serenity: hell yeah. you deserve everything you get.

me: do you hear yourself right now?

serenity: yeah, wish i could ONLY hear me and you would just shutup.

me: you're a total BITCH!

serenity: I've been called worse.

me: why do you act so mean like you have no feelings?

serenity: sweetie, this  is not an act. playtime is over.

me: okay, what about the feelings part?

serenity: coming from my past, you'll eventually learn that feelings is your weakness. so why have any if it only shows the weak in you? that's exactly why you're in the position you're in now. you so caught up in your feelings. that is a reason out of 1000 on why i can't stand your weak ass.

me: i appreciate your honesty, serenity. but damn! can you just stop trying to compete with everyone? everyone you see is not out to get you and you need to understand that. we all know who you really are. stop trying to make your life seem like everyone missed out when you know you're living in a complete big lie. you need to spill that secret of yours or you won't be the only one thats hurting.

I knew right then and there that I had gotten to her. Even though she's the biggest bitch ever, she seems like she has a soft side.

serenity: okay then. spill. tell me yours, i tell you mine.

me: will you keep it a secret?

serenity: not like i'm listening anyway so go for it.

me: Jacob is not my real baby's father.

There was complete silence. Serenity didn't make facial expression as if she wasn't shocked or I didn't say anthing 5 seconds ago. Maybe she really doesn't care. We soon pull up to a dead end street.

serenity: get out.


serenity: get out.


She opens up the car door on my side and yanks me.

serenity: do you know who the baby's father is?!!!!

me: no.

serenity: get the hell out my car you pig.


serenity: that excuse is so played out. *yanks me and throws me out of the car*

me: PLEASE NO. *crying*

Serenity drives off and poor MInnie is left alone in the cold, dark night. Maybe Minnie should have keepen her mouth shut for once. Who is she left to turn to?

hi guys! i wanted to update and write some more. school has been pretty tuff, but i've managed to handle it and write some more. thanks to my babies who support me and comment, vote, and read. but comment what you think should happen next. love youuu guys. -YaBishh_

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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