[Yandere! Kaden]

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This is gonna be really weird.

You were walking through a forest in a mountain.
You're mother had told you not to wander too far but you were extremely curious to see what was at the other end of the woods.
It was getting darker and you were getting scared so you turned your heels and ran back from where you came.

The trees started moving making the way back super confusing, they started looming over you as if they were trying to swallow you.

You stumbled backward and tripped. You fell down a ledge and by this point you had no idea where you were.

Your body racked with pain, you started crying.
You wished you had never wanted to explore this forest in the first place!

Your sobs must've attracted something because a bush started rustling.

Out came a young boy who was about your age.
He had bright orange hair and on top of his head rested two orange fox ears. He had a bushy tail as well.

Your grandmother had told you about these creatures.

"They are the kitsune, kind fox creatures that are always happy to help, they repay favors to those who has shown kindness to them"
She had said.

He curiously crept up to you.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"N-no...I f-fell and...everything hurts!" You started sobbing some more.
"No! Don't cry! Oh I know! I'll bring you to my village! They'll heal you right up!"

He heaved you onto his back and went back the way he came.

"What's your name?"
"Cool! I'm Kaden!"
"T-thank y-you..."
"No problem! After I bring you to my village I'll take you home k?"
"Your hair...it's so soft..."
"Really? Thanks! You know, you shouldn't be here in the forest at night, my mum told me that humans can't see in the dark unlike us who can!"

Kaden grinned and hefted you a bit higher on his back "looks like she fell asleep! Heehee, I wonder if mother and father would let me keep her! She's so cute!"

Kaden brought you to his village and helped you recover, as soon as you recovered he led you back to your home.
You and Kaden started playing together more often.
The two of you would roll down hills, play tag, climb trees, and splash in streams.

While dipping your feet in the stream  Kaden splashed some water at you.
You and Kaden had a splash fight getting the two of you wet.

The sun started going down so Kaden took you back home.

"Hey (y/n)! When we grow up, let's get married! And have lots and lots of children!"
"Okay then! Don't forget! I'll never forget because kitsunes don't forget promises!"
"I won't forget either!"


Kaden sighed and watched his supposed lover.

Bright (e/c) eyes...

Shiny (h/c) hair...

She had forgotten.

She was now engaged to the leader of this army and the person he was indebted to; Corrin.

He felt so frustrated, why did you forget? He still loved you...
He needed to do something...but killing wasn't an option.

When you were asleep on your bed; Kaden snuck into your tent and picked you up bridal style.

He ran out of the tent and into the forest.

—The next morning—

You awoke in a field of flowers.

(Uh-oh, XD)

The sunlight flickered as the tree loomed over you, it's leaves rustling in the cool breeze.

This was definitely not camp.

You called out.

"Really? That's the first name that pops into your head?

You looked above you to see Kaden sitting on a tree branch.

"Kaden? Where are we?"
"In a flower field of course! I took you here it's very far from camp, in fact, you won't be able to go back"
"What? Why? Why did you bring me here?"
"You forgot your promise"
"My...we were kids!"
"I still loved you, but you got engaged to Corrin. I couldn't kill him because I was indebted to him, so I took the other route; steal you away all for myself"

You got up as started backing away but Kaden turned into his fox form and tackled you down, pinning you on the ground.

"Face it" he growled "there's no escape, you'll stay here with me but don't worry, I'll take good care of you"

"Remember what I said? I said that we would get married and have lots and lots of children, I'll wait until you finally love me back, for now; you're staying here. With me"


I didn't want to go for the usual 'kill everybody' Yandere since I like to make the situation unique. But finally! It's done! Now to get started on the rest...

FE: Fates x Reader [One-shots] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now