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I got this really good idea for Leo, Kaze can wait.
For all you Leo Fangirls out there.

Warning: tragedy ahead.

Leo hissed at the round glowing ball in the sky known as the sun.
Norh had always been dark especially at night but it was nothing some candles and lamps couldn't fix.

His wife managed to convince him to come with her to visit her Hoshidan siblings.
Hoshido was so bright anyone could get blind just staring at the sun.

His wife caught up with him.

You giggled "oh, c'mon! It isn't that bad!" You said.
"I feel like I'm getting sunburnt"

You sighed and held his hand, swinging it back and forth like a child.
"It feels great! I like feeling the sun kiss my skin! It makes me feel awesome! And it isn't that hot either!"

She was right, it wasn't hot in the slightest. It was freezing.

Hoshido went through cold weather but never snow.

Leo wondered how his wife's feet didn't get frost bitten yet, she was still barefoot after all.

As they walked towards the capital a group of ruffians and bandits ambushed them.

At first, the battle went great.
They were trashing everything and so far they were surviving.

"There's too many of them!" You cried out "Leo where are you?" You scanned the battlefield for a headband wearing blonde but found none.

You continued to fight them off as much as you could. You spotted Leo fighting the boss of the group and ran to help him.

Leo had the upper hand so far but what surprised you was when the boss threw his knife at you.
You barely dodged to the side but it was enough to stun and shock you.

Everything happened so fast before Leo's eyes. The ruffian behind his wife stabbed her with his sword and her eyes widened in shock.

"No!" He shouted he finished off the last of the boss and the ruffian before running to her.

Tears spilled on your face as Leo started to cry "I'll carry you to Hoshido! They can heal you there!" He exclaimed trying to pick you up but you grasp his wrist "Leo no, it's the e-end for me here, please p-promise..."

The light in your eyes started to fade.

Leo couldn't believe this was happening "p-promise me that...you would take care of Forrest a-and Kana"
"(Y/n), please don't leave me..."

You gave him one last teasing smile before shutting your eyes.

—Time Skip—

As soon as Leo arrived with your dead body, chaos occurred.

Takumi happened to be at the city checking on the citizens when he saw Leo carrying his sister's body.
Only...it was lifeless.

The Hoshidan family went wild.
Sakura cried and wept.
Hinoka cried even more.
Ryoma cried and wished he didn't invite you to come over.
And Takumi was, well, sad. He wasn't crying though. Ok, maybe he did shed a few tears.

Your body was placed in a coffin and buried in the cemetery.
The Hoshidan family set up a small shrine for you in the palace in respect and mourning.

Leo took this the worst of all.
What were the kids gonna say? Kana loved his mother a lot, he would be so upset.

He sat under a sakura tree and felt the sun's rays touch his skin.
(Y/n) was right, this wasn't so bad along with the cool air it felt refreshing.

Leo spotted Takumi approaching him with a box of shogi in his hands.
Takumi sat down in front of him and began setting up the game.
"Aren't you supposed to be mourning? Like the rest of your family?" Leo asked.

Takumi sighed and stopped setting up the box.
"That's the thing, I want to be sad for (y/n) but I can't feel anything"
"Are you saying that she wasn't feely enough?"
"No, not at all, (y/n) would've told me to suck it up and stop crying, and that's what I'm doing"

Leo continued to watch Takumi set up this Hoshidan version of chess.

'Just suck it up! We can do it!'

Memories began flashing before Leo's eyes. Takumi was right; (y/n) would've wanted him to stop mourning for her and continue on with life.

"You gonna play or what?"

Leo snapped back to reality and nodded "I'll play"
"I'm going to utterly destroy you"
"Says the person talking to a strategist"

You giggled behind a tree.

"They really are like twins"

There's a part 2 coming out under the name 'Forrest' there's also a Takumi version because I'm evil like that.

FE: Fates x Reader [One-shots] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now