Chapter Three

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Hello! Okay so thank you so much for all the people that have read! Please tell your friends and post it on your instagrams or facebooks or something! I really would like more votes. (If you need the link you can kik me at emilygreen_.) That would be cool. But anyways THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS Y'ALL ARE AMAZING AND ILYSM.

Okay so about this book/story, there are gonna be a lot of POV so imma put in the A/N who is who so you don't forget. Oh and also if you follow my account @yourr_lifee you will get updates on the outfits people wear and an idea of what the people look like(maybe) and when I update. So yeah check on there and I'm going to use the hash tag #thechoicewattpadd also! So look those up and I hope you enjoy CHAPTER THREE(: here are the characters....

•Nicole Marie: main character

•James: boyfriend that cheated

•Derrick:angel boy

•Evangelie: best friend of Nicole Marie

Oh and btw I plan on this being a long I hope you enjoy. :)


Nicole Marie POV

He carried me to his white 1978 Chevy pickup. It was a really nice trucks and it had tire lifts which I loved. I've always loved this kind of truck and so it was nice to actually get to ride in it even though it was with a stranger-who I still believe is an angel.

We pulled out of the parking lot and made our way to the ice cream shop.

Derrick's POV

So many things were going through my head. I had just moved to Athens, AL three weeks ago when my dad got a job pastoring at a church so me, my parents and my two siblings, Laela and Josh packed up our stuff and moved to Alabama. So far I liked it here. It was a lot like Tennessee but more humid but I liked it.

At my old school I used to play football and soccer so every night I ran a couple miles and I had found a good park to run in just a week ago so I had been running here every night.

I was working on my 7 and final mile when I saw her. She was so beautiful. She wasn't wearing any makeup and there was bad lighting but oh my goodness she was gorgeous. She had been crying though and it looked like she was running towards me but she stopped at the tree a couple of yards away so I slowed down a little to watch her.

I took her in. She was just stunning. She had long brown hair that was naturally wavy and she was wearing dark tribal leggings with a light blue tank and white converse and on her head was a black beanie so it kept her hair out of her face a little.(And yes i know its not manly to know about all this but what do you expect when you have a 12 year old sister?) I was watching her and just taking her in when I saw her fall.

At first I didn't know what to do but I couldn't just leave here there so I ran up to her and held he in my arms and kinda shook her and started whispering stuff. I can't remember what but then I shook her again and she woke up. I was so relieved but she looked in pain and it literally made my heart break into a million pieces.

I told her to just relax and think about what happened and while she did I took the time to get a better look at her.

She had the most beautiful eyes. You could literally get lost in them. They were blue but they were hurting and pained and confused right now. I felt so bad for her. She was too beautiful to be upset.

After I examined her eyes I saw her nose. It was too cute and perfect to describes and she had the perfect face even without makeup. Her cheeks were a little chubby but it was adorable and her eyebrows were thick but waxed well. She was beautiful. I couldn't get over it. Apparently while I was examining her she had lifted up her hand and started tracing my face. I couldn't help but smile and just let her because it sent tinglies down my spine.

But when I smiled, she stopped. She started to panic but I can't remember what else happened besides her crying and trying to leave but i ended up picking her up in my arms and taking her with me.

She was so light in my arms. It felt like holding precious jewels. You didn't want to take your eyes off her and you didn't want to put her down because she is to valuable.

OMG what is wrong with me. Why am I going crazy over this girl. I only know her name-which is Nicole Marie-and it's such a beautiful name but that's it. I'm acting weird and helping someone whose name is the only thing I know about them.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I do know there is something different about Nicole Marie. As a PK I believe that miracles happen and things always happen for a reason. There is a reason I found this girl. I just have to figure out why.

I got to my car and set her down to where I could open the door and she could get in. She wasn't the tallest girl, she was actually pretty short but she was really skinny and had some muscles. She must be athletic.

I saw that she had gotten into the truck and I shut her door then went around and started up my truck.

James POV:

I hate myself.

How could I?

I'm the worst boyfriend and best friend ever.

Where is she? Where is Nic? As soon as I saw her after me and Lexi were kissing I told Lexi to leave and that I was done.

And then...I cried.

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