Chapter Seven

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We swang for about an hour and I was happy. Happy Derrick didn't ask more questions. Happy he didn't go on with a lecture. Happy that he took me to the swing set.

Swinging is one of my favorite things to do by far. It's so easy to just relax and think.

At first I just sat there and Derrick was swinging but he got off and started pushing me and I started to smile and laugh. I was having so much fun.

I was just happy. Which is weird I know but I was. It felt good to get everything off my chest and to just feel like...

I was flying.


"Maybe we should go by the park, James." I suggested.

It had been a real quiet car ride. I was thinking of so many things I could blow up on him about but I didn't. I have to find Nicky. Plus I need time to think of something that would kill him and break him down.

To my surprise, he hasn't asked about the cutting thing. He must be too upset to ask or wants Nicky to tell him.

I can tell he's really upset though. Even though I hate him like 200000000000 times more now, I can tell he's been crying and is probably beating himself up on the inside.

"I've already looked there. Before I got you." He replied simply.

"Did you check the ice cream place? You know she goes there all the time." I said looking out the window.

"Not yet. Lets head there and then we can check the park again."

"Good idea."

"Do you know of anywhere she could be?" He asked hopefully.

"If she's not at the park or ice cream place, she's at home."

"That's what I was thinking."

He then turned up the music and started on his way to the ice cream shop.

I looked around his car. Like Nicky they both had a 2013 Wrangler jeep. His was black and hers was bright red. She's always wanted a jeep and it to be bright red and she deserved it to for all the hard work she has done. On her 16 birthday she got one and since James' birthday is a day after hers he got a black one too. So they each got one together.

I got a 2013 blue equinox which I love a lot. We all three got a new car for our 16 birthday. The thing is all of families are pretty wealthy. My dad is a lawyer and my mom owns a thrift store.

I know what you are thinking probably. "Ew. Thrift store gross." See most of clothes are from there and I love them. And so are Nicky's. All of the cheerleaders shop there and most of the people at our school. The clothes are cute and cheap so then we have more money to buy other stuff. Our thrift store is awesome.

James' parents are both doctors. They are really successful and everyone loves them. They make it really handy when they are at the games which they pretty much always are.

Nicky's dad is an engineer and her step dad is lawyer. Her mom is a kindergarten teacher. Nicky's dad is really cool and nice. He supports Nicky's mom and her husband still and beer fights with them so he's always there to help with money or to take the kids. There family is just nice like that.

Nicky's parents got a divorce when we were in seventh grade. They divorced because they just didn't work that well together but they have always still been friends. Good friends as a matter of fact. They always invited each other to family things and all that. In our eight grade year Nicky's momma got remarried and had twins. And the kiddos are starting there kindergarten year this year.

Nicky's family is always there for each other even though they aren't all together together. So as a product of that they were really wealthy.


We got to the ice cream place and there was no sign of Nicky anywhere. So without a word we headed to the park.


"Hey Derrick?" I said behind my shoulder as he continued to push me. We had been swinging for like an hour and a half. It had to be midnight by now.


"It's getting late maybe we should go."

"Oh yeah probably," he said hesitantly. "Here i will help you down"

He grabbed the swing chains when I came towards him and held tightly so the swing would stop. Then he lightly grabbed my waist to help me up.

His hands were so warm and reassuring on me. No one had ever made me deem like this before.

Not even James.

I got up and he moved his hand and I got cold again. We started walking to the truck and he was walking me over to my side. I heard another vehicle come up and I was about to look wondering who would be here so late but all of a sudden I hit something. Derrick had stopped and was looking straight at me.

"Oh my ba-"

He crashed his lips to mine and I felt the whole world slip away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. And it felt so good. But then he was ripped from me.

I opened my eyes and started screaming.


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