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I know this is the description, but it is also kind of the introduction of my story as well. So, I hope you enjoy it! Read on :)

Remiah. The name given to a country where hope and happiness is non-existent. A country home to darkness and misery. A man named 'Raven', ruler of the Shadow Realm, forced upon a new life for the people of Remiah - a life one would never desire.

Ever since Raven came to power, everyone here in Remiah was made to behold an insignia – a mark just below the palm. Our insignia's are given to us once we reach a certain age. At that age we are given a test; according to the results we are given an insignia. There are six different groups it could be. Depending on your results, your insignia, your life is decided.

Every day and every night, we citizens live in fear. In fear for our lives, our families, our friends. All we can do now is hope for someone to come and save us from this nightmare.

However, the time has come for the rebels to fight back. To fight back and take what was ours. The time has come for Remiah's Reprisal.

Remiah's Reprisal (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now