The Do or Die Battle

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This chapter is dedicated to nikx_14. im sorry for the looooooong wait. But i hope it will be worthy. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoy!

The sun is about to set and the members of Fatal clan are gathered again to execute the do or die battle between their each member.

The first pair chosen to fight was

Brent and Flare.

As we all know, Brent has a physical force which no one can ever surpass. It is a nature-given power to him.

He can fight and release all of his energy without getting tired and stuffs. He can throw a powerful punch, a disastrous kick and have a lot more energy than the opponent. For him it is an advantage and an edge to win a fight.

Flare has the ability to control the water and air. He can make the strongest typhoon with just a lift of his hands. But nobody knows if he will use it this time. He also has the ability to use daggers. Even hundreds of daggers will be fine with him. He trained him self to use daggers after the accident with Judy.

"Win this fight and you will remain in my clan, Lose this fight and i will never think twice to kick you ass out of my group. You got that?!"

Calsipher reminded the clan.

"Yes leader!"

Members all said in union.

The sun started to hide while the darkness of the night starts to invade the sky. Only the light from the moon is the source of light from the field but they care less since they can all see clearly in the dark.

Brent and Flare positioned themselves at the center of the field. They bowed their heads to show respect with each other.

After a split seconds, Brent started to attack. He let out a punch which made Flare act with his reflexes and move away from his position.

Flare uses 5 daggers, trying to catch a better attack for Brent. He throw one when he noticed that Brent was about to attack him.

Blood started to stream down all over Brent's left arm. He run towards Flare and let out a powerful kick targeting Flare's stomach which made him move backward for meters.

He shouted in pain as he felt a burning sensation in his stomach from the kick of Brent.

While Brent's arm slowly heals.

And they started fighting again.

Couple of minutes passed. Tiredness is plastered on Flare's face. Brent's shirt is ripped and blood stains are visible in his body.

I want to end this shit!

Flare thought.

"Is that all you've got? Is that ability your winning piece? Now i am disappointed to my self for letting you guys be part of my clan for years. You are worthless shits."

Calsipher said trying to provoke the two. He knows that they are more powerful when they are pissed.

Worthless shit? Really Calsipher? Fuck you asshole.

Flare shouts in his mind.

He started to raise his hands in the air. Concentrating and finding his center he let out a strong wind ball in his left hand and a ball of water in his right hand. He is pissed and he wants to end this battle while proving to others that he is not a worthless shit.

Calsipher and Brent exchange looks while grinning. Their plan worked!

Flare combined the strong wind and water in his hands. Creating a big ball of typhoon. He's ready to attack and with just a blink of an eye Brent is laying on the ground unconsciously and wounds are scattered all over his body.

They are all shocked. Even Flare, When his senses came back he realized what he has done. He hurriedly run towards Brent.

A sudden clap came. It was Calsipher.

"Thats what i wanted to see Flare. You did not fail me"

Flare is shaking while holding Brent's body in his arms.

"Leader help me! Brent is not awake! He might die!"

"Thats the purpose of this battle right? Aren't you supposed to be happy? This means you really deserve to be part of my clan."

"No leader! Disown me if you want but please help me heal Brent. He's not moving for Pete's sake! Are you really that heartless? Stop this bullshits!"

"Congratulations Flare. You won the fight."

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