"Okay, good luck."

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Louis got an email from the X Factor. He didn't open it, he wanted to wait for Harry. He shut down his laptop and grabbed his bag for school. He walked out to his bus and sat down next to Harry. Harry had pretty much come out to everyone at school. He hadn't come out to his mom or sister, though. They held hands and then Louis remembered the email. He pulled out his phone.

"Harry, I got an email from the X Factor." Louis whispered.

"What!" Harry whispered louder then he meant to. "Did you get accepted? What happened Louis?"

"I waited to be with you to read you." He pulled up his email and looked at the email. "Harry, I'm scared." Harry looked at Louis sarcastically and reached his hand to his phone and pressed the email. He took Louis' phone and read the email. "Harry, what does it say?" Louis asked worryingly. Harry got up and showed Haley and Iris, who were sitting beside them, the email. They started shrieking and bouncing in their seats. Harry turned to Louis with a smile.

"They want you to audition in front of the judges!" Louis just stared at Harry with shock on his face. Harry sat down and hugged Louis. "Babe, are you excited?" Before Louis could respond, a piece of paper hit Harry in the back of the head. Louis and Harry turned to see a few boys in the back laughing. They turned around annoyed. Louis started to respond again when a broken pencil hit him in the head.

"Alright, who the fuck keeps throwing this shit at us?" Louis asked angrily.

"Lou, it isn't worth it. Sit down." Harry said worryingly.

"Hey faggots! Go kill yourselves!" Louis had had enough. He started to go to the back when Harry tried to stop him. Louis slapped Harry out of rage and walked on. When he got to the back, he was red at this point.

"Which one of you shits said that?" Louis yelled.

"Whatcha gonna do about it, faggot?" One guy spoke up. Haley came to the back and grabbed Louis.

"Come on Louis, they aren't worth your time. Be the better person." She pushed Louis back towards his seat and he sat down next to Harry. He hadn't even realized that he slapped Harry. Harry was staring out of the window with his hand against his cheek.

"What's wrong babe?" Louis asked.

"You fucking slapped me, that's what's wrong." Harry said angrily. He turned back to the window and Louis touched his shoulder, causing Harry to flinch.

"Look, Harry, it was an accident, I really didn't mean to." Louis pleaded.

"Whatever Louis. If you're going to act like that every time you get mad, then- then I don't think we should date." Harry replied. He turned back to the window and Louis started to cry.


Two months later, Anne pulled into the X Factor venue. Today was the day that Harry was going to audition. Harry was about to pop out of his skin. He was so excited. He already knew he was going to sing "Isn't She Lovely." He got in line and waited for about two hours before he got the front. He finished registration and got his number. Now that he was all signed up, he walked into the bathroom. After he was done, he turned around to see another person standing there. He kind of looked like Louis, but he wasn't sure. He wouldn't know what to do, they hadn't talked since the whole bus incident. He kept staring until he turned around.

"Hi." Louis said.

"Oops." Harry said. He started to walk towards the door when Louis' hand touched his shoulder.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to slap you. I was trying to protect you, but I ended up hurting you. I really didn't mean to." Louis pleaded. Harry looked at him for a second, looking into his apologetic eyes. He kissed Louis. He was happy again.

"Thank you, Harry. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Louis. Well, I have to get going, good luck on your audition."

"Oh, I already auditioned, Harry. I got through."

"Oh my gosh! Louis! That's amazing! Congratulations!" He hugged Louis with a giant smile on his face. "I knew you could do it." Louis started to take off his cardigan and he handed it to Harry.

"For good luck." Louis said as he held out the jacket. Harry put it on and pecked Louis on the cheek. They walked out and went their separate ways. Harry sat down with Anne.

"Honey, where'd you get that jacket?"

"Oh yeah, I ran into Louis and he gave it to me for good luck. He got past the first round."

"Oh that's lovely!" Anne replied.

"165998!" One of the producers shouted.

"That's my number." Harry said nervously. Harry and his group of friends and family got up and followed the producer back stage.

"Alright Mr. Styles, you're on." Harry looked at Anne nervously as he walked up the stairs to the stage. He walked out on the stage and the crowd cheered.

"How are you?" Simon asked.

"Hello." Harry replied, oblivious to the question.

"Nice to meet you. What's your name?" Simon asked.

"I'm Harry Styles." He replied shakily.

"Ok Harry. And how old are you?"

"I'm sixteen." He replied.

"Sixteen. Okay, well tell me a little bit about you."

"Um. I work in a bakery." Harry replied.

"And Harry, so you've left school, and gone to work there, have you?"

"Em, I work there on Saturdays, but I've finished my GCT's and I'm going back to college in September."

"And what are you going to study in college?"

"Em, Law, Sociology, um business, and something else, but I'm not sure yet."

"Wow. So what are you doing here today?"

"Um, well I've always wanted to audition, but I've always been too young."

"Okay. Alright, what are you going to sing?"

"I'll do Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder."

"Okay, good luck."

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