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"Alright class, would anyone like to volunteer to go first?"

"Wait, what?" Marcel asked.

"Ah, I forgot you're new. We do improv in here. I call out a situation and two people act it out."

"Oh, okay."

"Mrs. Dills?" Louis piped up.

"Yes Louis?"

"Can Marcel and I go first?" Marcel looked at him with a shocked look. "Don't worry Marcel, we're in a bully free zone."

Louis got up and pulled Marcel out of his seat. They walked to the front of the class and waited for instructions.

"Alright, here is your situation. Louis, you just found out that Marcel has been cheating on you."

Laughs rose from the room. "Okay, aaaand ACTION."


"Oh, um, Louis. It's not what it seems."

"Guuurl, you betta tell me the truth." Louis replied along with a sassy z formation finger snap.

Marcel couldn't help it. He bust out laughing along with the rest of the class.

"Alright, take a seat you two." Mrs. Dills half laughed. Louis and Marcel walked back to their seat laughing. Once they sat down Louis looked over at Marcel and said " That was great. Don't laugh though, she sometimes counts off of your grade."

Marcel looked at him face to face for the first time. "Wow." he thought. "His eyes are so pretty." Marcel looked around, shocked that he even thought that. He wasn't gay.

"Uh, yeah. I laugh pretty easily. It's a bad flaw." Marcel stuttered.

"You okay mate?"

"Uh yeah. I just, umm, don't want a bad grade, is all."

"Nah, it was your first time doing improv. You'll learn from your mistakes."

"True." Marcel smiled at Louis and watched the rest of the acts. Marcel was confused. He had never said that a guys eyes were pretty, but why does that matter? They're just eyes. There's no way that can determine sexuality.

The bell rang for lunch. Marcel and Louis walked to the cafeteria talking the whole way. They got in line for the food. Pizza. "Great." Marcel thought. He loved pizza, but school pizza was unbearable. He followed Louis to a table that had three other girls.

"Alright girls, this is Marcel. He's new here and He's pretty cool, if I say so myself." Louis pointed to a girl with dark, brown hair and hazel eyes. "This is Iris. She's in drama with us." Next, he pointed to a girl with blackish, brown hair and brown eyes. "This is Maha. We call her Bahama Mama." finally he pointed to a girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes. "And this is Haley. We've been best friends for like, ever." After Louis said this, they did a long and complicated handshake that only best friends know.

"Oh look! The fag has made himself a male friend! How cute."

Marcel turned around to see who would say such an awful thing. A preppy girl stood there with two other girls behind her,

"Screw off Eleanor. You aren't wanted here." Haley said angrily.

"What? I'm just stating the facts."

"Eleanor, leave. I don't see why you're always bullying me." Louis said.

"Why am I always bullying you? Cause you're gay. Gay people get made fun of. Duh."

Louis ran off crying followed by Iris, Maha, and Haley. Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Look kid, if you don't want to be bullied, then be friends with me. Being friends with Louis is the worst thing anyone can do. Besides, you aren't the only new kid today. I've made great friends with a girl named Gemma."

"Oh, then in that case, fuck off." Marcel shocked himself.

"You'll regret this, Marcus."

"It's Marcel, bitch." With that, Marcel got up and went to look for Louis. He had no clue that Louis was gay. He didn't have a problem with homosexuals, though. He thought they were normal. He saw Iris, Maha, and Haley crowded around the boys bathroom door.

"Oh! Marcel, can you go in there and talk to him?" Maha asked.

"Um, yeah. I guess." Marcel walked in and heard Louis' sobs. "Louis?"

"You probably hate me now." Louis responded.

"For what?"

"The fact that I'm gay, Marcel. I'm a freak."

"Louis, I don't care. You're still the same, awesome person that I met in Drama."

"Y-you really don't care?" Louis sobbed.

"No, Louis. I don't care that you're gay." Louis unlocked the stall door and hugged Marcel. They had just met one hour ago, yet they were already close friends.

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