~ 1 ~ The Storm Approaches ~

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Paige sat in her room on the bottom floor of her families three story house, watching the storm clouds roll closer. Thunder sounded in the distance and lightning flashed, illuminating the dark night. Jasmine, her little sister who she shared her room with, was peeking out of her covers, eyes wide open with fear. Paige felt her heart twist with sympathy. During the 5 years of little Jasmine's life, Jasmine had never experienced a storm like this, twisting it's way towards them. "Is the house on fire?" Paige rested her had on Jasmine's shoulder as her sister spoke quietly. Fire? Paige thought. Why would she think the house is on fire? Paige looked over to the window where she had stood a minute ago. The curtains had closed as soon as she had let go, and now light continuously flashed and lit up the room with strange colours. Jasmine was right - the colours the room was lighting up with did make it seem like the house was on fire. "No, lil' sis," Paige said. "That's just lightning." Jasmine lowered the covers so more of her head was visible, and her voice was no longer muffled. "Are you sure?" Paige sighed softly, sad to see her sister so afraid. "Yes, I'm sure. Come see," she said in the best reassuring tone she could manage in the howling wind that was growing stronger by the minute, the loud, long, rumbling thunder and strange lightning that was travelling steadily towards them. She smiled as Jasmine said, "OK," and threw the covers off herself. She held Paige's hand fearfully, as if she was afraid Paige would disappear and she'd have to face this terror alone. Paige walked over to the curtains and threw them back to reveal the night sky, stars only visible where the storm had not traveled. 



The sky light up for a split second from lightning. Paige squeezed Jasmine's hand reassuringly as she squeaked with alarm. Paige dragged a chair from their desk over to the window and sat down. She lifted Jasmine onto her lap. Their skinny, slender bodies sat huddled together at the window. Jasmine started shivering after a few minutes, so Paige reached over and got a blanket from Jasmine's bed and gave it to Jasmine. "This lightning," Jasmine said. "It's scary yet amazing at the same time!" Yes, Paige thought. This lightning is kind of cool! It's fascinating indeed. The sky flashed again, a brilliant blue no part of the night sky wasn't covered with. Yet it didn't take Paige's attention from the storm clouds closing in completely. "Those storm clouds are scaring me, Paige!" It turned out it hadn't taken Jasmine's completely either. "What could they want?" Paige wrapped her hands around Jasmine's tiny body and said, "I don't know the intention of this storm. Maybe it'll free us of mother, father and big brother." Paige's mother, father and big brother despised of her and Jasmine. They say they are useless, and they don't love them, they more like use them. They hardly even give them protection, and they never enrolled them in a good school. "That would be nice," Jasmine whispered. "Yes, it would, but what if it separated us?" Paige said before sighing, not sure if she, or Jasmine, could bear being separated. Jasmine looked at Paige, eyes swimming with worry. "I hadn't though of that," she told Paige. "Yes, but you should probably go back to bed now, Jasmine," Paige said gently. Jasmine nodded, teeth chattering despite the woolly blanket Paige had grabbed from Jasmine's bed, a present from Paige on her 4th birthday. Jasmine slid off Paige's knee and started to walk over to her bed. Paige watched her, still thinking about the worrying possibility of this storm separating her and Jasmine, maybe forever. Paige suddenly felt a sudden wave of worry and danger wash over her, so Paige ran over to the window.


Phaige jumped and Jasmine screamed as a bolt of lightning flashed, dangerously near the house. "It's too close, Paige! IT'S TOO CLOSE!" Jasmine shrieked. "Wait!" Paige cried. "Was it near our house or was it on our house?" Almost immediately Paige's question was answered by the sound of flames burning wood. Wood? Paige looked at Jasmine, who looked back at her. Both sets of eyes were filled with fear, worry and the results of horrible realisation. Their house was on fire.


Hai guys! It is I, Target513! Thank you for reading the first chapter of STORM QUEEN, and I hope you enjoyed it! I left you on a real cliffhanger there, didn't I! Their house is on fire! O.O :D Don't worry, the next chapter will be out within a few days. ;) Feel free to comment with feedback and constructive criticism! Be sure to follow me to be the first to know when a new chapter is released! :) I must thank and dedicate bubble103 for inspiration to write a book like this and other things which I shall spread out over the next chapters because now I'm really starting to babble, lol!

And then, I must say for the book...


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