~ 4 ~ The Orphanage ~ (Jasmine) ~

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Jasmine looked around for Paige as the wave brought them into shore. The last thing Jasmine had remembered before the current had caught them was Paige closing her eyes and her body relaxing. She had just been upright in the water, hair floating out behind her. And then something else happened. Something Jasmine will never forget. Her eyes... her... her eyes. Instead of being closed... they had opened. They weren't really open though. It just... it just glowed. Glowed like lightning. Tiny streaks of lightning were through her hair and around her chest, as if it was bursting from her heart. Her hands cupped, and in them formed clouds. Storm clouds with lightning reaching down. Jasmine had been shocked. Fear had also struck her. She remembered thinking, what has possessed my sister? Then, as quickly as the look came, it all disappeared. Her hands uncurled. The eerie glow around her eyes faded as quickly as you could say mat at your fastest speaking speed. The lightning around her hair and chest flashed and suddenly was gone. And then the wave caught them. Jasmine was tossed around in the water. Even though she had been in it for at least a minute, the numbing coldness of the sea was still as cold as it had been when she had first been pulled in. She caught a glimpse of sodden golden hair, just before the wave tossed them onto the beach. Jasmine winced as she was thrown onto the sand. "Oomph!" Jasmine looked around. The storm was slowly easing. Jasmine was still freaked out. The lights of a car suddenly caught her attention. A van pulled into the beach car parking. Jasmine could see some words on the vans side, but she was so far away she couldn't make it out. A woman hopped out of the drivers seat and started making her way towards them.


Jasmine was shivering violently in her soggy clothes. The wind wasn't helping. Even so, Jasmine stood up bravely, ready to defend and protect Paige, the sister who had saved her so many times within less than an hour. The woman had brown hair worn in a loose bun, pale skin and blue eyes with a friendly sparkle. Even so, Jasmine was cautious. Who was this woman? What did she want? When she reached Jasmine, she said, "Hi, I'm Julia. Are you one of the kids the old lady told us about?"  Lady? Jasmine thought. What lady? Oh. Now Jasmine knew what Julia meant. She meant Mrs. Frisklee, the old lady next door to their house. Well, used to be next door. Jasmine and Paige didn't live anywhere right now. "Errrr... if she means the kids sitting on the lawn with bags a quilt and stuffed animal, shocked after escaping our house just before it burnt down... yes." Julia nodded and said, "I thought so. I am chied of rescues for the For Life Orphanage." 


Jasmine's eyes stretched wide. "Ahhhh... orphanage?" Julia sighed and said, "Yes, an orphanage." Jasmine looked to the left. "So... since mother and father are dead... Paige and I are orphans?" Julia put her hand on my shoulder in what was meant to be in a sympathetic way and said, "Yes. I'm so sorry but yes, you are orphans." Jasmine shrugged off her hand. "Now, where is Paige? Your sister, I assume?" She pointed beside her. "She's there," Jasmine said. "And yes, I am her sister." What does it look like, Jasmine thought. Apart from age, clothes and length of hair, we look pretty much identical. Julia just nodded and took out her phone. She did some tapping, pressed a button and put it back in her pocket. Next thing Jasmine knew, two other women were jumping out of the van. They ran down the beach towards them. "This is Alexia and Katy, my two helpers." Jasmine gave them a shy wave.  Alexia and Katy waved cheerfully back and bent down. They picked up Paige. "Wait! Why do they need to pick her up?" Jasmine asked. Julia just said, "How else is she meant to get to the van unconscious?" Jasmine smiled nervously and said, "True point." The five of them walked to the van, Jasmine holding the two bags, blanket and stuffed animal.. "We'll get you dried up and into some dry clothes when we get there." Jasmine nodded, looking forward to some warm clothes after her accidental and nearly fatal swim. Jasmine did not want to go through that again! When the reached the van, Julia opened the sliding door so Katy and Alexia could get her in the van. Then Jasmine climbed in behind her. As they pulled away, Jasmine twisted right around in her seat and looked longingly at the ruins of her house as it grew smaller and smaller in the distance. The amount of things that can change in such a small amount of time! Jasmine thought. Soon she couldn't see the house ruins anymore, so she looked at Paige. She wished she hadn't. Her closed eyes looked hollow and filled with yellow again. Her mouth opened slightly with a jolt as the van hit a bump in the road. Jasmine saw her mouth was filled with yellow too, and nearly screamed. Then it slowly faded again. Jasmine stared at Paige. What has possessed my sister not once but twice, she thought as the van pulled into the orphanage car park. After Jasmine had grabbed their things, they all got out, Paige still being carried by Kate and Alexia, and walked into the orphanage. They passed a lady at some sort of reception. When she saw Paige she looked kind of shocked. They walked up 4 flights of stairs, and then Julia stopped at a door. The door had a number on it. The number was 37. "Welcome to your temporary home!"


Hello yet AGAIN my fabulous readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope to release the next chapter within the next few days! Be sure to follow me to be the first to know when a new chapter is released! Happy reading/writing, everyone! :D!

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