~ 2 ~ The Fire ~

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Paige looked around, panicked. What should I do! Her mind screamed. I've got to get out of here, and help Jasmine! Paige looked at Jasmine. Paige had never seen someone so terrified in the whole of her life. She took a deep breath. Get a grip, Paige! You're the oldest here, and your sister needs you. Get her out. She quickly raced over the options in her head. "Get out!" Paige said loudly, pointing at the window and the door. "Grab something and get out!" We both ran to the corner of the room and slipped on our shoes. "What should I grab, Paige?" Paige paused as Jasmine asked the question. "Something important to you! Take more than one thing if you can, because this is all we have from each other!" Jasmine nodded and ran to her bed. If Paige strained her ears, she could occasionally hear big brother, mother and father shouting, screaming and yelling. Paige's gaze didn't stay in the same place for more than a second. She dashed over to the wall between the top of their beds and grabbed the piece of art she and Jasmine had made last year. It was fairly small, so Paige could carry a few other things. Paige grabbed a book from her dresser. She was so stressed, she didn't care which one it was. Spotting a school photo of her and Jasmine earlier this year, she dashed over and grabbed it. Paige raced over to the window and checked where the fire was. It was closer than she'd like, probably only a few minutes until it reached their bedroom. "Grab some clothes! Just grab a few and run! The fire's only a few minutes from the bedroom! We'll change outside!" Jasmine froze, eyes wide in shock for a few seconds. Then she raced to her dresser, and Paige raced to hers. Jasmine grabbed her school bag and started stuffing her things in it. Seeing sense in that, Paige did the same. She stuffed in the picture, the book and some clothes. Then the two of them raced around, collecting as much as they could, even though they knew the risk. If they got separated, they wanted as much of each other as they could. Soon their bags were full and no more could fit in. Paige looked over to Jasmine. She was holding the blanket Paige had given her. The sun on it had never looked so dull. Paige grabbed the stuffed animal Jasmine had bought for her a few months ago. "It's jammed!" Paige spun around at Jasmine's panicked shout. "What's ja-" Paige's worried reply was cut short as Jasmine tried to lift the lock that held the window shut."We can't get out, Paige!" Paige winced as Jasmine's piercing shriek cut through the sound of licking flames. "We can't get out! We're going to die!"


Jasmine's words sent a shiver down Paige's spine. If we can't get out, this is the end, she thought. "No!" Paige said, a tone of determined clearly audible in her voice. "We must not think like that." Paige raced to the window and looked up. "Think quickly! We only have about 40 seconds!" Jasmine suddenly started jumping up and down chanting, "Smash the window! Smash the window!" Paige nodded and said, "Of course! You're a clever thinker, Jasmine!" before curling her hand into a tight ball, ready to break something.


Paige's hand smashed through the glass. Glass cut Paige's hand as it flew by after her punch, but she stuck at it. PUNCH AND SMASH PUNCH AND SMASH PUNCH AND SMASH PUNCH AND SMASH PUNCH AND SMASH! She smashed her hand through the glass, each time collecting more painful cuts, until all of the glass had been smashed and was lying on the floor. "Go through!" Paige said, watching the fire. Oh my gosh! It's just... 20 seconds away! Paige thought, shocked. She gave Jasmine a boost through the window, making sure she landed OK before quickly following herself. Then Paige took Jasmine's hand and ran, narrowly missing flames jumping to the very bits of wood they were standing on. Paige scooped Jasmine into her arms, Jasmine shrieking and Paige screaming, "WHY DID I DO THIS! It's pure madness!" as she made a flying leap for the grass and gardens below. Flames licked at Paige's shoes as she jumped, eager to eat her and Jasmine up. Paige felt as if she was flying, yet she knew she wasn't, so she prepared herself for the shock of the landing ahead. THUD. Paige felt the air being knocked out of her as she landed. She managed to hold Jasmine for a second before the sudden pain in her feet made her let go and flop down to rub them. Her feet slowly started recovering, but the rest of her didn't. Jasmine sank down beside Paige. "What now?"


Oh my pancake! You actually went on to read this! O.O I'm so flattered! X3 I mean it. Your decision to read this means so much to me! :) I started to be the tiniest bit rushed towards the end of this chapter - but thankfully, it was so tiny it was as if the rush wasn't there at all :) Comment with your feedback and/or constructive criticism, your feedback I am grateful for! Follow me to be the first to know when a new chapter is released! I am hoping to release the next chapter within 3/4 days! :) Happy reading/writing, amazing people!

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