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Mondays, again, are the literal worst. I had managed the drag myself out of bed and to the bus stop. The air was brisk and the sky was still dark which made it even harder to read. My bus stop happens to be next to a street light but I swear if it wasn't, I don't know what I'd do. It'd probably be another 10 minutes before the bus rolled around so, obviously I started reading. I was a few seconds in when a shadow loomed over my book. I looked up to see a tall, skinny girl. "Sorry to interrupt, but if you don't mind me asking, what is it your reading?" I was a little annoyed considering I wanted to read the book rather than discuss it. "It's about a girl discovering herself". She giggled and I looked up her confused. "What's so funny?" She took a seat next to me and pulled a book from her backpack. It was no small read at all. "Read this, that book sounds too cliché for someone as beautiful as yourself." I took the book, the cover read for long ago was i. "Now that's how you flirt with a girl, books and compliments." I looked to see the blaring lights of the bus. I stood up and she tapped me on the shoulder, "would you mind me maybe sitting with you?" I nodded and we proceeded to board the bus and I headed to my usual seat, 11. I sat on the inside. "I'm saman- Sam, call me Sam" she smiled and held out her hand. "Elisabeth or Lis whatever you prefer." I shook her hand and I put in an earbud, Sex Pistols. She picked up an ear bud and her face lit up with one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. She got little dimples around her mouth and her eyes scrunched a little. "This band is on the top 10 list of everything ever." We both looked at each other for a moment and we both burst out laughing.
There's something.
We sat there for moment taking in the moment. Beautiful.
Something in this space in between us.
I felt her fingers interlock with mine.
There were butterflies in my stomach.
I stood up before I knew what I was doing.
My heart and head were racing.
I moved passed her and went to seat 5.
My breathing got heavy and everything started to sound as if it were underwater.
I sat there in silence. I couldn't. I wouldn't. Too soon. Too soon? I wasn't even gay, that I knew of. I can't, not now, not ever. I met her 10 minutes ago, what was this? A trick? A prank? It wasn't funny at all. I could feel my breathing speed up and I felt everything shut down. I clenched my sides and hot tears started leaking down my face. Before I even knew it everyone was off the bus. I stood and made it to 1st period in no time. What is this?

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