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It was the first day of December and it already smelt like it in the air. I always wondered if December smelled like anything to anyone else. To me it smells like gloomy skies and cold air. Gray skies, pink/yellow sunsets. It looks like fairy lights and hot tea. I guess maybe those are just my aesthetics. The way to the bus stop proved me right. The sky was pale blue and the clouds were disproving the forecast of sunny weather. Through the sluggish cold air, I see the red hair I've become familiar with, Sam. "Liiiissy Lis, are you ready for a wonderful Friday at scholli?" There was a silence and we both erupted in laughter. "I am if you promise never to say that again." The bus rolled up and I made my way to my familiar seat, 11. I sat on the inside and Sam sat on the outside. It was her day to play music, techno. Wow. The sunrise was still fresh in the sky and some sun seemed to peak through the gray that December always brings. The previous night I had managed to rake in 2 extra hours of sleep then usual, adding to 4 hours. I managed to scrape in 12 minutes on the bus. "Lisss, we've ariveed".
The day went by with a bluSunday was honesty just ready for the weekend. Sam had a whole weekend for us planned (which ironically mostly took place at my house). She was gonna stay at my house and we were going to the outdoor mall, for the book store, art/ art supply store, and the ice cream place. We'd stay all afternoon there and come home to watch a movie. Saturday, we'll stay in and watch TV, and a group of our friends were planning to stay the night in the woods. Finally, Sunday she'd go home and that's about it. I was ready and nervous at the same time.

"Lis, I'll meet you at your house in a few I have to get my stuff". "Why don't I just come with you?" I asked, curious. I saw most of the color leave her face as she started stumbling on her words. "Well, I, uh, my mom's home and she's tired on Fridays, and, uh doesn't like visitors". I'd never seen someone look so nervous. Her hand was shaking and she had a nervous smile on her face. "Well...alright I'll see you whenever" I said and started walking home. I was very intrigued. What if something's going on? what if she needs my help? What if something is seriously wrong? I kept asking questions mentally until I finally shook it off, it's probably nothing.

Fridays afternoons are usually my favorite. The sun started to peak through the clouds and Sam and I were already giggling about things. We had already bombarded the book store. We shuffled through the comics and went through all the romance books we could find. My favorite part was the time where we just fell into an isle and read for about an hour. I purchased a few books and Sam did as well. This afternoon was turning out to be great after all.

A/N: So this chapter is ending up being a filler because I'm at this beach this weekend and I had testing all last week so I'm gonna try and write some more later. Xoxoxo ~Cass

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