Healing is Important

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--- Ezra's POV ---

I opened my eyes slowly, and looked around in a daze. I was in an empty white room, except for a large cardboard box and something that looked suspiciously like a box of cat toys. I slowly sat up, and the door opened.

A woman walked into the room, and I controlled my gasp. She was more beautiful than any woman I'd ever seen, even my mother, Diana. I apologized mentally, but my opinion didn't change.

"Are you quite done staring?" She asked in a voice like a dozen church bells, with an odd accent.

I blinked. "Not quite." I smiled. "You are very surprisingly more attractive than even my mother, Diana of the amazons. It's... Shocking. Now, may I ask, where am I?"

She ignored my comment, and said- "You are in London. You were delivered to us, by a scantily clad woman named Mera. She said she'd treated the worst of your injuries, but the rest was beyond her knowledge of human anatomy. The box was delivered by the woman you described, Diana, your mother. She said it would help you heal."

"Then you've seen her. So you know the level of compliment I give when I say you are more beautiful. It's surprising, truly. I never thought I would witness beauty that outshone hers." I said.

She blinked placidly, unfazed. "Wonderful. Now. How were you injured? Your entire body was covered in extreme bruising and your bones were cracked."

"The weight of the ocean slammed me into stone." I said, shrugging, and instantly regretted it. "Dios Mio! This hurts worse than the bullet holes in my lungs!" I coughed, and also regretted that.

She smiled, a tiny quirk of her lips. "Why did the ocean hit you?"

"A protective shield failed, while I was in the Mariana Trench." I grunted, and cracked my neck. "5000 tons fell on me, but luckily I had about ten more layers of personal protection, or I would've been in pieces." I said.

She blinked, surprised. "Oh! That sounds scary." She started checking the machines.

"Hmm. Not really. At least I wasn't on a plane, or something. That would've been horrible." I shivered.

"Don't like planes?" She said, checking an IV I hadn't noticed.

"Never have liked heights in general. Bad experiences as a toddler. What's your name?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. Your file doesn't exist."

"I'll tell you my name, if you tell me yours, and agree to get some coffee with me." I grinned.

"You drink coffee? You're too young."

"I'm 15. I'm a legal adult in Sparta, my homeland." I raised an eyebrow.

She smiled. "Mmhmm. Well, you did hit your head quite hard-"

"I live in New Sparta, the Extended realm of Queen Diana of Themiscura, the Amazon Kingdom. I'm not used to people doubting that. Odd. But refreshing, in a way." I shrugged, and winced.

She nodded, I think, to appease me. "I'm sure. So you're a prince?"

"No, not even close. I'm adopted, so I've no claim to the throne. And Diana is relatively immortal, so hopefully I'm never called upon anyway. I'm just me. So. Tell me your name, I'll tell you mine?"

"Alright. I'm Dr. Elizabeth Snow, 20, but most people call me Liza. And you?" She asked, and that tiny quirk of her lips that passed for a smile was back.

"Ezra. I've recently learned I was named something else, but... Well, there were extenuating circumstances, so I never knew it." I almost shrugged, and instead I just turned my wrist in a 'IDK' position. It wasn't my brightest idea.

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