Shattered Minds Can Be Fixed

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Five LONG years later

After the ending of Season 2 of YJL. Ezra has been missing since right before Vandal Savage took over the Watchtower and the YJL took it back. 5 years.

--- M'gan's POV ---

"So what next?" I asked Kaldur'an. "Do we start looking again? It's been so long, and we had to focus on the Invasion and The Light, but..."

He sighed. "I don't know. We finally have time to breath, and look for our friends, but... With Wally... gone, I don't want..."

"Confirmation. You don't want to know, that two of our friends are dead, not one, and I perfectly understand that." Green Arrow said from the doorway. "But what if he's alive? Freezing in some Metal Coffin in some Lab, just waiting to be saved? So I say, SUCK IT UP, and FIND HIM! Your personal feelings have no weight in this situation......."

He looked at his hands. "It is better to know, than not to. Giving up... Is worse than finding a corpse." He finished quietly, and turned around. He walked out, and slammed the door.

I nodded. "He speaks truth. It is better to know."

He nodded. "Yes. I agree. We should start looking. But Where? Where do you find a lost Accelerator? Where has he been? Who took him? These are questions we need answers to. And we can't just expect answers to fall into our-" A boom tube opened up in the center of the room, and he drew his swords, while I started levitating, ready to face whatever came through.

A tall, thin body fell through, covered in markings. A booming voice filled the Watchtower, both Physically and Mentally. "HERE... IS YOUR ANSWER, IF YOU CAN SEE IT." I rushed forward, and the Tube closed. Everyone converged on the room, and I cautiously rolled the person over.

Wonder Woman gasped, and ran forward, just as a hand entered my stomach forcefully, slicing my gut. I blinked, and shifted my density on instinct, moving backwards, and avoiding a serious injury, instead receiving a flesh wound. I fell, shifting back, and Connor caught me. "M'gan!" He cried out, and growled at the man on the ground.

He slowly stood, his thin, emaciated frame belaying his massive strength and speed, and his mask preventing me from seeing his face. I reached forward slowly, despite Connors warning, and touched his temple.


I was sucked into the most empty mind I had ever envisioned. Ever. It wasn't even broken. It was... Clean. Empty. Like it had never been lived in at all. Like Connors would have been before he had been altered... A clone?

Suddenly there was a person there with me. He looked at me slowly, completely devoid of emotion, and I recognized him. I stepped forward. "Ezra? Is that you?" He blinked. I went to touch him, and his body dipped into a defensive position. I stepped back, hands up non-threateningly. "It's alright, Ezra. I'm a friend."

The space around us filled with thousands of different strategies and attack patterns and I realized he was matching my move to one of them, or attempting to. He was unsuccessful, and this seemed to mystify him, though no thought was heard  or emotion showed.

I stepped forward again, and he did not react defensively this time. He was learning. I touched the mask, and removed it slowly, as he gazed at me with his normal icy blue eyes. I felt my real body doing the same thing, and knew everyone was panicking now.

"The mask... That's why there's nothing here. Everything is stored in this tiny space." I opened it, and the entire space was filled immediately with a library so massive it made me cringe, thinking of having to read them all.

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