Day 3

12 2 0


Woohoo, streak has lasted three days! I think I should get a sticker. Happy Easter to everyone! SO my younger sister is 11, and last year my mom bequeathed the secret to her that the Easter bunny is, in fact, fictional. SO we didn't do anything, and it bummed Spiffy (my sister's nickname) out, majorly.I have been so excited to show her the egg hunt that I've been planning all week. She loved it, naturally ;). Haha I'm just kidding, I'm really glad that she loved it was much as she did. After she found all of the eggs, I showed her the adorable easter basket that I put together with help from Mom. I think that since when she turns 13 she won't want to do anything for Easter, that I'd play Easter Bunny while she's still a kid. I think that every kid should get the chance to have happy memories. If it's not easter egg hunting, maybe it's picking flowers, maybe it's working in the garden or throwing a ball with your parents. But every child needs something happy to look back on when they get older. 

After that I just ordered pizza, and it was delivered by a very polite young boy. Who actually tolerated my obnoxious dogs. Who knew that a chug could be vicious? Anyways, thank you pizza delivery boy Ethan. May your week be pleasant. 

So i guess, that this entry is just gonna be short. No real big adventures today, but I am hopeful for tomorrow when I babysit two angelic awesome children. I won't tell their names, but one of them is a little boy named after a leafy green that starts with the letter "K", and the other is a little girl named after a terrorist attacked city in Europe. They are wonderful children and it's always interesting when they come over. I will inform you all when they arrive. May all of your nights or mornings be peaceful and mellow. 

Signing off,


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