12: Rose's POV

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Rose laughed as she watched James and Roxanne throw food at each other during breakfast.

"Stop, James! You're not funny!"

Rose turned towards the voice of the person and was surprised that it was Isabel. She was scowling at James, her clear blue eyes showing her annoyance.

"Why are you always acting all annoying? Don't you realize you're not funny? No one appreciates it, James! The sooner you realize it, the better!" She didn't mention Roxanne.

Felix, who had been watching all this with a smirk, nodded. "Isabel..." He paused to stroke her shiny dark brown hair. "...is right. No one likes when you act like that, James."

Rose resisted the urge to smack the shit out of the two of them and guided her eyes to James. He had stopped throwing food and was looking down at his plate, his face redder than the red on his Gryffindor badge.

She pretended not to see the water collecting in the corner of his eyes as she quietly continued to eat her toast. Finally, after a few minutes, she muttered, "Come on, Violet, let's get to class."

She and Violet made their way to Transfiguration awkwardly. "Umm...I, uh, kind of feel bad for your cousin," Violet finally stuttered.

Rose nodded. "If only that b–" She paused and smiled tightly. "If only...Isabel hadn't said anything, everything would be fine."

Violet looked thoughtful. "He was being a little annoying, though. I mean, throwing food?"

Rose started laughing. "I know. He does that to be funny...or cool, or something. It does get annoying."

They reached the large wooden door of the Transfiguration classroom and weren't surprised to see a piece of parchment on the door, listing the assigned seats of every student. McGonagall had warned them that they'd be getting assigned seats if they were unruly, and last class, Evan Peterson, the class clown, was being obnoxious.

"Ugh...I have to sit with Evan!" Violet groaned, rolling her eyes.

Rose laughed. "Yeah, well, look who I have to sit with; Scorpius Malfoy!"

The two shared a laugh and entered the classroom, taking their seats.

"Hey, Rose," Scorpius greeted her as he took his seat next to her.

Rose paused. For some reason, one part of her brain was telling her to scowl at him and turn her head, creating an unfriendly barrier between them. But another part of her brain, the reasonable one, was questioning that decision.

Why should she hate Scorpius because of his father? His family wasn't his fault and maybe the two of them could be friends.

The second part of Rose's brain won her personal battle and she smiled. "Hi, Scorpius."

He seemed relieved for some reason and didn't speak another word to her until McGonagall said they had to get into partners. Scorpius immediately turned to Rose. "Wanna be my partner?"

"Oh...I, uh..." Rose trailed off, hoping he'd get the hint. She had been planning to work with Violet or Albus, but Albus already had a partner; Lilith.

Rose watched as McGonagall strode over to Lilith and Seraphine and murmured something to them, gesturing for them to follow her to her office. Seraphine looked down at her feet and seemed to be thinking about whether to have a smirk or guilty expression, whilst Lilith just looked confused.

Before entering her office, McGonagall pointed at Albus and Violet. "You two; partners!"

That left Rose and Scorpius. "Well, I guess we're partners, then," Rose said as she opened her Transfiguration textbook.

Scorpius smiled. Rose couldn't noticing how perfect his teeth were. "Naw, Rose, I don't want to work with you. I'll just go and find another partner..." Scorpius took a dramatic step forward away from their desk.

Rose laughed. "Fine, then. You'll be missing out on an easy 'O' here, though."

Scorpius stopped and pretended to stroke his chin, as if in deep thought. "Oh, alright, I guess I can work with you, then. I don't have trouble earning myself an 'O,' though. I'm pretty smart."

Just then, as he was about to take a step forward to sit in his chair, but he slipped on a piece of loose parchment and fell, face-first, onto the floor.

Rose laughed as she helped him to his feet. "Yeah, real smart. You would sure get an 'O' in 'Basic Walking 101.' "

Scorpius grinned. "And you would get a 'T' in 'Basic Hairstyling'!"

She laughed again and pretended to be offended at his comment on her hair as she started writing down the Transfiguration formula. Who would've thought that Scorpius Malfoy was actually funny and fun to be around?

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