23: Scorpius' POV

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Scorpius felt something prick his hand. He glanced down, making sure Professor Slughorn wasn't looking, and saw a slip of paper in his lap. It was quivering, and he realized that someone must have used a charm to fly it to him. He unfolded the note.

  meat me in the 5th flor boys bath room after class
- Walter Goyle

Scorpius didn't even have to look at the signature to know who the note was from; what with the terrible spelling and almost illegible handwriting. He looked over at Walter, who sat a few rows away, grinning.

"What?" Scorpius mouthed.

Walter rolled his eyes and turned back to Slughorn, who had called on a Hufflepuff girl to answer a question. He'd have to wait till after class to see what Walter wanted. Scorpius honestly wouldn't even bother meeting Walter, but he had to. His father was the one who forced him to hang out with that brute anyway.

"What do you want, Walter?" Scorpius asked, shoving the door to the lavatories open.

Walter was already there, standing by the sinks. "My dad and me talked last night. He had spoken to your dad. Draco. Said for you to meet him in the common room at two o'clock tonight."

Scorpius' heart sank. "Alright, that all?" He asked as coolly as he could.

Walter nodded and strode past him, out the door, leaving Scorpius alone. It was clear that Walter had finally understood that the other boy wanted nothing to do with him outside his father's orders. Scorpius stood alone in the lavatories for a few silent moments and then left for the Great Hall.

Should I sit with him? He really wanted to just plop down next to Albus, and how convenient was it that there was an empty spot next to the boy as well?

  He'd think I'm weird. Albus was chatting with Seraphine and shoveling food into his mouth at the same time. His attention was solely on her.

  I could just say that there were no other available seats. Across the table from Albus, Lilith and... Nate?... Nathan? sat together, not speaking. There was room for about five, maybe six, more people to sit next to them.

Suck it up, you loser, and just go sit by the damn boy! Scorpius wished it were as easy for him to sit by Albus as it was to sit by other students. He didn't know why... there was just something about Albus...

JUST DO IT. Scorpius decided there was no other way to get himself enough courage to do what he wanted. So without giving another thought, he dragged his feet across to the spot next to Albus and sat down rather awkwardly.

"Oh–hey. Scorpius," Seraphine said, surprise lacing her tone.

Albus turned and smiled. "Hey..."

See? They think you're weird. "Hi. Can I sit here?"

The other two nodded and returned to their conversation, now hushed.

Scorpius fixed his gaze on the tabletop and began eating, wishing that a hole would just magically open up and swallow him. Hey, maybe there was a spell... He tried to remember if there was any charm to make yourself disappear from awkward situations. There was that one...

"Hey, Scorpius."

He turned and his eyes met piercing green ones. "Y-yeah?"

Albus smiled. "What's up, mate?"

What? Why was he being so friendly? Last time Scorpius'd talked to him, he'd accidentally confessed his want for friendship and Albus had shut him out.

"Nothing, really. That asshole finally learned that I don't want to hang out with him," he added the last part in a hushed voice, jerking his chin towards Walter, who was currently throwing food at people at the Ravenclaw table.

Albus chuckled. "Doesn't surprise me. I wonder why anyone hangs out with him, anyway?"

Scorpius smiled. "I dunno. He probably blackmails them." Or their dads force them to be friends with him. He tried not to let bitterness escape into his outer expression.

Albus proceeded to talk about his loathing for Transfiguration homework and Scorpius had to agree. McGonagall did assign too much for his liking.

At this, Albus raised his eyebrows. "For your liking?"

Scorpius blushed. "Well... I don't really mind homework in general. She just gives us way too much. Or-whatever."

Albus giggled. Scorpius liked that sound. "Nerd!" He jabbed a finger at the blond boy.


"Oh, lighten up, Scorpius! I'm only joking!"

A smile spread on Scorpius' face. "Yeah, um..."

Albus' face grew serious. "I was joking. I don't care if you're a nerd. I mean-nerds are great."

"That's great. I'm a major nerd." It was true. Scorpius was fascinated with practically anything academic and often pondered philosophical concepts when he was alone. He knew Walter would make fun of him for it and he didn't have any other friends. But somehow he knew Albus wasn't like that.

They talked for another fifteen minutes about various topics, from Chocolate Frogs to their annoying parents to how large they thought the universe really was.

"Hey? Scorpius?"

"Hmm?" Scorpius grunted blearily. Albus had woken him up. What time was it, anyway?


Before Scorpius could complain about him waking him up for no reason, Albus continued. "You're just... not what I expected."

This took the blond boy by surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno. You're not what I expected from a Malfoy... no offense."

Scorpius giggled bitterly. "It's alright. I get it. My dad and grandfather ruined the family's reputation."

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