13: Scorpius' POV

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Scorpius shuffled to the Great Hall, head down as he walked. He had a good time in Transfiguration, joking around with Rose. She was surprisingly fun to be around, not at all like her mother, who his father described as too serious and studious, annoying, and a fun-killer.

What would Father say if he saw you hanging out with a Mudblood's daughter, Scorpius? Scorpius clenched and unclenched his fists. He hated using that word...Mudblood.

His father made it sound like a perfectly ordinary word that just managed to creep its way into each and every conversation, surrounded by a halo of hatred and disgust. Ugh. Scorpius still despised using that word, as normal as his father made it sound.

His father.

He still felt guilty whenever he thought of him. But not just that. He felt confused, angry, and curious. His father was always hating on Mudbloods, half-bloods, and non-Slytherins. He criticized Scorpius for almost anything, forced him to also hate on those people, and was still a supporter of Voldemort, even years after he'd been defeated.

But not just that; Scorpius had seen his father leave the house occasionally, not telling him or his mother where he was going. Scorpius suspected it had something to do with Death Eaters, but had never told anyone about it, not even his mother.

What could he be doing? Before Scorpius left for Hogwarts, these inexplicable disappearances had been happening more and more often, and for longer periods of time.

Before he could dwell more on the thought, Scorpius reached the Slytherin table. He sat next next to Walter Goyle, Gregory Goyle's son. He was flicking food at the Hufflepuff table, snickering when a piece hit someone and they yelped.

Scorpius rolled his eyes. He hated hanging out with  Walter, but he had to because his father forced him. He thought he would be a "good influence." Scorpius wouldn't actually hang out with him, but he knew that Walter would tell his father, who would tell Draco.

Scorpius felt a strong nudge on his arm. "Hey, Scorpius, watch this!" Walter flung a piece of mashed potatoes at Albus, who was sitting alone at the far end of the table.

Albus looked up when the potatoes hit him and splattered all over his robe. He had an angry fire in his eyes for a moment, but then relaxed, and went back to eating, ignoring the pieces of food Walter continued to throw at him.

After a few throws, Scorpius decided he'd had enough. He stormed over to Walter and grabbed the spoon from his hand. "Just stop! Stop! Alright? You're not impressing anyone and degrading both yourself and Albus!"

He then sat between Albus and Walter, ignoring both of their shocked expressions. I've had enough of Walter!

"Scorpius! Get over here!"

Scorpius raised his head from his pillow and stumbled out of his comfortable bed. He immediately knew whose voice that was; his father's.

He exited the dormitory, careful not to wake the other sleeping students, and tiptoed to the Slytherin common room, expecting to see his father in a mirror or something like that. But he was surprised to find the common room deserted and dark.

"F–father?" Scorpius called out reluctantly. He really just wanted to go back to sleep, but he knew his father would be outraged if he ignored him.

"Over here! Scorpius, the fireplace!"

Scorpius turned towards the fireplace and almost tripped in shock; his father's face was inside the fire!

"It's Floo powder! Now get over your shock and come over here!"

Scorpius nodded and knelt by the fireplace. "Now, Scorpius, I've decided that you're old and mature enough for me to explain my plans."

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