Games and Decisions

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I stare at my phone and wait for a response. After my bold move at the movies, I had been texting back and forth with Rusty almost nonstop since I got back to Aunt Rose's.

It started out very light-hearted with the normal conversations one would have when they first started to get to know each other, and that was great. But it soon evolved into a hardcore debate over which game was better; Black Diamond, or Underwater Discovery. Rusty was more for the space theme of Black Diamond, but the different world of water was good enough for me.

'But there's so much to discover in the vast universe.' Rusty argued. 'Why limit yourself to one alien planet when you can visit countless others?'

I rolled my eyes before responding. 'I like to actually finish the games I play in one lifetime.'

We bickered for a little while longer about the games before the real questions started. I mean it didn't just jump directly into the real talk but it sure did get there quick. We were just casually chatting about random stuff when Rusty went all serious.

'So... I was wondering if you were joking about asking me out, or like being serious?'

I couldn't think of an answer so I just typed in something to stall for time. But it probably wasn't the best idea sense he just brushed it off and continued our previous conversation. I felt so bad, but I still didn't know how to answer him.

I dropped my phone beside me on my bed. I sighed heavily as I thought out what I was going to say. When I went to reach for my phone to respond, Rusty had already sent another text. 'I'm sorry to ask such a dumb question, can we just drop it and go back to joking around?'

I put my hand to my forehead and sighed. 'I was being serious Rusty, after spending the day with you I really started to like you,' I typed. 'so if you're up for it I really would like to go out with you.' My thumb hovered over the send button as I thought over one more time if I really wanted to comment to what I was saying.

My thumb hit the button and I waited for a response.

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