Chapter 2

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This Chapter was written by WriteratHeart2. I just edited this chapter and uploaded it. I'll be writing the next chapter.

Halt and Will arrived at the cottage. Will was quiet, which Halt found very suspicious. He and Will put Abelard and Tug into the stables, and went inside for some cups of coffee. Will was still eerily quiet by the time Halt had prepared two steaming mugs of coffee.

"What the devil is wrong with you? You haven't talked for at least ten minutes, that must be a record!" Halt said, offering Will a mug of coffee.

Will looked surprised. He then grinned childishly. He opened his mouth and loudly recited:

"Halt and Arnold, the best of friends,
There are surely going to be no ends,
Friends forever, that's for sure
Oh, Halt is just so immature!"

Halt glared and gritted his teeth. To his horror, there was more. Will broke into the second verse:

"Halt has a best friend, oh yes he does,
Oh, he is a bunch of fuzz,
Friends forever, friends forever,
Halt and Arnold, they will always together!"

Halt gritted his teeth again and stood up. "I never knew you were such a poet," he said slowly. He busied himself by preparing more coffee, while Will sang the song over and over again.

"Halt and Arnold, the best of friends, there are-"

"SHUT UP!" Halt roared, spilling half his mug of coffee onto his cloak. "I'll do anything, just SHUT UP!"

Will smiled in satisfaction. Then he continued singing: "-surely going to be no ends, friends forever, that's for sure, oh, Halt is just so immature!"

That was the breaking point for Halt. He threw a dirty look at Will, cursed loudly, and stomped outside. Halt ignored Abelard's pleading neigh for apples. He kept going forward until he was in the heart of the forest. Dark trees loomed over him, blocking the sunlight from view. A small leaf fluttered in from of Halt, landing gently on the mossy ground. Halt angrily stepped on the innocent leaf, and continued forward.

He arrived at an unfamiliar part of the forest. There was a large river snaking through, which Halt had never noticed before. He felt like he was being watched. Halt whipped around, eyes zooming in on everything. There was nothing. He waited, eyes still scanning the forest. He turned around uncomfortably and continued staring at the river. Memories rushed through him- meeting Arnold, chatting with him at the inn, and Will singing that stupid song minutes before. He wondered what Will was up to right now. Halt glanced around, still getting the feeling that he was being watched. His hands automatically gripped his longbow tightly. There was prickling sensation on the hairs on the back of his neck.

Halt quickly ran out of the forest, retracing his steps from earlier. He exited the forest and made a dash for the cottage. He ignored the feeling that he was being watched and bolted open the door of the cottage. Halt found Will safe as can be, humming the stupid song he'd made up earlier. Halt sighed.

Will smiled at Halt. He was painting red words on several sheets of parchment. Will held up the first three sheet which he'd set aside to dry, and showed Halt what he'd written.

Awkward Moment #1 read the first sheet.

Awkward Moment #2 stated the second sheet.

Awkward Moment #3 said the third sheet in bold red paint.

Halt frowned. "What are you doing with those things?" He gestured to the Awkward Moment papers, which all said the same two words. Only the number was different on every piece of parchment. Halt picked up the last sheet of parchment that Will had. On it, clearly stated, was Awkward Moment #330.

"Who do you expect is going to have that many awkward moments?" Halt asked vaguely.

Will grinned. "Why, you and Arnold, of course!"

Halt frowned again. "What are you-" he saw Will grinning at something behind him. He turned around. And staring at him, eyes gazing at him intently, his nose two inches from Halt's eyes, was Arnold.

Halt allowed a yelp to escape him. "What-are-you-doing-here?" Halt said furiously.

"Let's be best friends...forever..." Arnold said, a large smile creeping over his face. Halt's jaw dropped. Silence. Arnold kept on staring, the creepy smile was still on his face. Halt had an absolutely shocked face on.

Will smirked. Then he held up Awkward Moment #1 high into the air. He jumped up and down gleefully, beaming at Halt, who was caught in the awkward moment. Then Will loudly sang the song he'd made up earlier, so that Arnold could hear.

Arnold looked delighted. "Oh, Halt, did you make that song for me? Oh, Halt, we are best friends...oh, Halt..."

Will cracked up. He sang at the top of his lungs. "HALT HAS A BEST FRIEND, OH YES HE DOES-"

Arnold was looking at Halt with wide eyes of admiration. Halt stared from Arnold to Will and back again. Then, he took off unexpectedly. Oh, the insanity of it all! He couldn't take this anymore. He raced around the cottage at top speed. Arnold, who wasn't a very fast runner, had to speed-run to catch up to Halt.

"Halt, Halt, wait for me!" Arnold cried breathlessly. He chased after Halt, who was a good five meters ahead of him.

That made Halt go even faster. He raced around the house for what must've been the tenth lap, and looked over his shoulder. Arnold was nowhere in sight. Halt breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could hide. Arnold was insane, no doubt about it. He had to get away from him. He decided to hide in the bathroom. So he reached the bathroom, turned the doorknob, and froze.

A little chat between the Writer and Co-Writer of this Story...

Cookieninja450: Arnold is insane, no doubt about it...

WriteratHeart2: You just figured that out?

Cookieninja450: No, not really.

Halt: Arnold is crazy.

WriteratHeart2 and Cookieninja450: Halt? When did you get here?

Arnold: You do know I'm right here? And heard everything you said?

WriteratHeart2, Halt and Cookieninja450: ...


*Will holds up the Awkward Moment sign*

*More silence*

Cookieninja450: I got to write the next chapter of this story.. BYE!

*Runs away panicked*

WriteratHeart2: I got to go edit that chapter! Bye!

*Runs away freaked out*


*runs away*

Arnold: ...


Will: Halt and Arnold, the best of friends...

Hoped you liked this chapter! Review! It would been a lot to WriteratHeart2 and me! I'll be writing the next chapter soon!

Awkward Moments, Rangers Apprentice by Cookieninja450Where stories live. Discover now