Chapter 5

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Halt picked up the sack of apples. "Will!" he called. Will came rushing in. "Is Arnold back? Are we under attack?" he asked. Halt shook his head. "The plan's starting." Will's eyes widened. Then, an evil grin spread over his face. Halt placed the sack in his hands. "Get going," he told Will.

Will ran outside, heading for the stables, the sack bouncing against his thigh. Inside the stables, he opened the sack and pulled out an apple. He handed it to Tug, and the pony chewed on it appreciatively. Will gave another apple. And another. And another. Abelard stomped his hooves and snorted angrily. What about me? You're spoiling him. He'll become a very fat horsey if you don't stop!

Will grimaced. "Sorry boy," he whispered. "But we need to get rid of Arnold. And this is the only way. I promise you, you'll get a bunch of apples later, when this is all over with." Abelard neighed. Tug snorted smugly. Will gazed sternly at Tug. "Tug, no boasting," he warned.

Will looked into Tug's eyes intently. "Now that you've had all the apples you could ever wish for, I need a favor." Tug looked up. "I need you to.." Will whispered the plan to Tug. Tug neighed to show he understood, and Will nodded. He went back to the cabin. Now all he had to do was wait.

Will paced the room, and Halt chewed on his fingernails. They waited for about half an hour, and then Arnold came in. "Hello Halt! Lets have fun!" Arnold cried. Halt got up and rushed to the door. He went outside, with Arnold in pursuit. Will followed. He led Arnold to the lake, and stopped abruptly. Arnold came crashing through the trees.

Will whistled a high, long note. He waited, and the Tug came galloping. Will pointed to Arnold. Tug nodded, and then focused on Arnold who was closing in on Halt. Tug stopped, then rushed to Arnold.

Arnold saw Tug at the last minute, and tried to step out of the way. He failed miserably. Tug rammed into his side. Arnold yelped. "Dirty horse," he hissed. That made Tug go mad. He drove Arnold to the edge of the forest. Halt and Will remained where they were, waiting for Tug to return. Tug came back after a few minutes.

"Gone for good?" Will asked. Tug whinnied. "For good."Will whooped with pleasure. Halt smiled.

For good.

Awkward Moments, Rangers Apprentice by Cookieninja450Where stories live. Discover now