Loraine Smith - Chapter 14 - Marry Me ?

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I forgot how to breathe at that very second. Did I just hear what I thought I heard?

"W-what?" I asked softly.

Andrew looked really nervous. "I love you, Loraine. Will you marry me?"

This time I took a deep breath. I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I nodded my head as a 'yes' and smiled at him.

He pulled me close to him and kissed me over and over. He pulled a little black box and opened it, showing me what was inside. It was a beautiful white gold ring. It had a diamond on it, and white gold in the shape of a heart around the diamond. After showing it to me, he took it out of the box, slowly sliding it onto my ring finger.

I looked at my hand, with a big smile on my face. The ring was just so perfect, I couldn't get over it. I gently grabbed Andrew's face and started kissing him. At first it was just an innocent kiss. But I didn't want it to end. The kiss deepened and I moved my hands to his hair, running my hands through it. He slowly got on top of me and we continued to kiss.

"Ahem" someone coughed. Andrew quickly jumped off of me and I saw Carly. "Isn't that what got you guys here in the first place?" she laughed.

I laughed and wasn't even sure what to say "haha yeah" I said awkwardly.

"So where is my godchild?!" Carly asked excitedly, looking around.

"He's resting right now" I laughed "but Carly, come over here!" I said, excited to show her my ring. "LOOK!" I said showing her my hand as she came closer.

"Oh my gosh! Is that what I think it is?!" She asked, smiling big. Andrew and I both nodded our heads. "I'm so happy for you guys!" she said hugging both of us.

After a while of visiting she had to go home. I was happy because I was finally able to leave the hospital. We got everything we needed, including our beautiful baby boy, and headed back to my place.

Tomorrow, we agreed we were going to go to Andrew's mom's house. His dad left when he was little, so he lived with his mom. She knew everything that was going on. She knew I was dating Andrew, that I got pregnant, and she knew he was planning to propose to me. Andrew assured me she would love me, but I couldn't help but be slightly nervous.

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