Loraine Smith - Chapter 7

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Three more months had passed and I was now six months pregnant. And it was very visible. I was excited about the baby, but I can't deny the fact I don't like what has happened to my body. As I walked down the hallways in school, I always felt eyes on me. I knew they were talking about me. And it made me feel very self conscience.

Also things with Andrew seemed to be changing. We have been boyfriend and girlfriend for three months now, but he's been acting different. We spend less time together. I know he cares about me, but ever since people found out I was pregnant and I was showing more, he hasn't been the same. He doesn't talk to me much at school, and we never really go out in public anymore. I'm starting to think he's embarassed to be in public with me. I tried not to think about it but it bugged me.

I was at home, laying in my bed and listening to music. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said flipping through a magazine.

Someone walked into my room and I looked up. "Oh hi" I said when I saw it was Andrew.

"Hey babe" he smiled and sat down on the bed next to me.

I stayed silent and kept going through my magazine.

"Whats wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I sighed.

He pulled the magazine out of my hands. "Then why won't you look or talk to me?"

I sat up and looked at him. "Okay, you wanna know? I feel like you're embarassed to be seen with me in public. You avoid me at school and you never want to go anywhere. Thats what is wrong!"

He looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Loraine, I'm not embarassed to be with you, but people give me so much shit about getting you pregnant. Its hard to deal with."

"Hard to deal with? Hard to deal with?! People stare at me all the time, Andrew! I hear them whispering when I walk by. I know they talk about me. How do you think that makes me feel?" I started to get pissed.

"I'm sorry Loraine, I know this is hard for both of us. I know its harder for you. But you're a lot stronger than I am. And I'm so proud of you. Please don't be mad at me." he said looking me right in the eyes.

I sighed and grabbed his hands, smiling a little. "I just can't wait til we have this baby and graduate."

He smiled and pulled me close to him "Me neither babe"

He layed down and gently pulled me with him. I layed my head on his chest and cuddled close to him, shortly falling asleep after that.

I woke up in the morning. Alone. Where was Andrew? I looked out the window and saw his car was gone. What the fuck? I grumbled and headed to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After I finished getting ready I headed to school and went to go talk to Andrew. My heart dropped when I saw him talking to a girl. She wasn't just a girl. She is one of his ex girlfriends. They were laughing and it looked like she was flirting with him. I angrily walked passed them and headed to my locker.

Note to self: never trust guys again.

"Loraine! LORAINE!" I heard him yelling after me.

I started running and went into the girls bathroom and hid in a stall. I just broke down and started crying. How could Andrew do this to me? We were going to have a baby in three months. I stayed in the bathroom for about an hour then decided to go home.

I called the school and told them I had decided to drop out due to certain circumstances. They told me about a program I could do online so I could still graduate. I was happy with the idea of never going back into that building again.

After getting off the phone with the school, I decided to take a nap, I was very tired. But before I could fall asleep, I heard my phone go off because someone texted me. I picked up my phone and looked at it. It was from Andrew.

"Where are you?"

I didn't even bother to reply. I turned my phone on silent, put it down, and finally fell asleep.

Loraine Smith ( Pregnant Emo)Where stories live. Discover now