Loraine Smith - Chapter 4 - Good Mood

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A month and a half had passed, and it was very uneventful. I haven't told anyone my news yet, and no contact with Andrew. Except for dirty looks passing in the hallways sometimes. His looks hurt, and it pissed me off because I couldn't figure why. So now I'm two months pregnant and I'm noticing my pants are starting to get tighter. I was hoping no one would notice.

Carly was making me nervous cuz she would always just stand there and look at me. She definitely is not stupid. At home one night, we sat on the couch and watched tv. After about an hour she muted the tv then turned to face me.

"Loraine?" She asked. I looked

I sighed. I knew this was coming. "Yes, Carly?"

"This might sound weird but...are you pregnant?" she said looking right at me.

"W-what would make you think that?" I asked looking down.

"Lots of things actually. You don't really act the same anymore. You keep to youself a lot. You get sick in the morning sometimes. You don't really eat a lot but you're gaining weight." She said softly.

My eyes started watering and I hugged her for about five minutes before I spoke. "I knew you would find out.."

"So you are?" she said still hugging me.

"Yes, I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do!" I said wiping the tears from my face.

"Well first of all, you need to start eating more, that baby needs nutrition" she said standing up and heading to the kitchen.

"Do you think I should get an abortion?" I asked standing up.

She didn't hesitate to answer. "No."

"Okay..." I sat down at the kitchen table.

She brought me some left over chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I started eating and she sat down at the table as well.

"So who is the father?" She finally asked.

"Uhm, his name is Andrew." I said not looking up from my food.

"Andrew? He was at the party a few months ago? Black hair, blue eyes? Super gorgeous!" She said.

I nodded "thats the one."

"Does he know?" she asked.

"You're the only one that knows, Carly." I finished eating and put my plate in the sink.

"You really need to tell him" she said. "Oh and I'm going to take you to the doctor tomorrow. Make sure everything is okay."

I nodded my head. "Well Carly, I'm going to go to bed, see you tomorrow" I said, gave her a hug and went upstairs.

The doctor appointment the next day went well. Everything was the way it should be. I went to school at lunch time, hoping I would find Andrew.

I saw him and my heart started beating faster. I slowly approached him and his friends. He just stared at me as I got closer.

"A-Andrew. Can I talk to you?" I said trying to ignore the looks from his friends.

"You can tell me in front of my friends." He said, being an ass. Of course.

"I really think you'd rather me not say it in front of them" I was getting frustrated.

"Oh yeah? Well since we're gonna be honest here, I think you should lay off the twinkies, you're getting fat." He said laughing.

I was so close to hitting him and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away from his friends.

"You're so lucky I have a lot of self control right now! Now if you will fucking listen to me I need to tell you something!" I yelled.

"Fine. Just tell me." he said in a dull tone.

I stared at him for a few seconds and finally spoke. "First of all. I'm not getting FAT. I'm pregnant, Andrew."

"That's no surprise. You do sleep around a lot." he said smirking.

"Andrew! You don't get it. I'm pregnant. With YOUR baby!" I said hitting his arm.

His face went serious. "You're lying!" He said starting to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me.

"No I'm not!" I glared at him. "Don't believe me? Lets go get a test done."

"Fine. But when this turns out to be someone else's baby, leave me the fuck alone." He spat.

"Fine! But it is yours." I said.

We walked to my car and drove to the doctors. After a ton of waiting, the results finally came up. The doctor sat us both down. "Andrew. You are the father of this child."

"Seriously?! FUCK!" He got up and looked at me. "You better get that fucking thing aborted!"

I stared at him in disbelief. I knew he was upset, but that was uncalled for.

"You know what Andrew. Fuck you. FUCK YOU." I said and stormed out of the office. I was in tears. I didn't need him. I could raise this baby on my own. Or even put it up for adoption. I'll figure something out. But if Andrew was going to be like that, he is not going to be a part of this baby's life.

I went home and went upstairs, falling asleep and didn't wake up again til the next morning. I got up and got ready for school without saying anything. Carly knew when to keep her distance. That's one of the many things I loved about that girl.

I wasn't looking forward to going to school, I'm sure Andrew has told everyone and their mothers about it.

I was sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for school to start when I felt a tap on my shoulder. To my surprise, it was Andrew.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said looking away from him.

"Can we talk?" he asked sounding sincere.

"Fine. Sit down." I replied.

He sat down. "Look, Loraine. I didn't mean what I said yesterday. I don't want you killing our baby. I was just shocked and scared. I didn't know how to react. But I don't think I could live with myself if that baby died." He said looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head. "I understand actually. The same thought popped into my mind, but I know I could never really do it."

"And also, I want this fued between us to stop. After all, you are the mother of my child. We don't have to be a couple, but I don't want us to hate each other." He said lightly putting his hand on my stomache. I couldn't help but smile.

"I agree" I said looking from his hand up to his face. Our eyes made contact and I found it hard to look away.

"So you want to hang out this weekend?" He asked finally pulling his hand away.

I smiled "That would be nice."

He smiled back, "well alright, we'll figure something out then."

We both went to class and I spent the rest of the day in a good mood.

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